Accept a cemetery - Do not enter


Cemeteries is definitely a nomination is will not accept. It a sensitive place. If it a single grave of signaficatend yess [ given outside a public cemetery ]. And it just creepy . You definitely not going to catch more ghost pokemon there :rofl:


That was one of the noms I mentioned previously! To me, clearly someone trying to sneak a “memorial” wayspot into their front yard.

The problem I had with the historical marker it was definitely way too far from its actual location.

A course in photo editing would be first on the agenda.

I skipped after reading their bio :slight_smile:

I think Niantic had all cemeteries and memorial plaques on soft hold (for months), until 48 hours after they published the clarifications on Thursday. Then the reviewing floodgates opened.

Cemetery Tourism is a thing, but the nominator would have to prove it’s the case for their nomination. See Cemetery Tourism- a New Trend? - Travel Inspired Living For example, Oakwood is an Atlanta City Park, with public events (like “Malts and Vaults”), and even weddings. That would be pretty easy to prove.

Same for city cemeteries as walking trails. They’re peaceful, artistic, and mostly flat. In a lot of places, locals routinely walk the sidewalks. Eventually the city will realize it’s an asset, and mention it on their website or something. Then you’ve got something solid for Supporting Information.


I pretty much only saw

Murricaburgh Cemetery

Been here since 1892

Not much more to support their submission :frowning:

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I seem to be an outlier here. Having grown up in (and later moved back to) my rural hometown community, I know of dozens of little country cemeteries around here that are either no longer accepting burials or, in the case of the cemetery of most of my mom’s family, just getting a trickle of one or two every few years. This one seems to be that sort, or at least I only found 3 death dates within the last 10 years on findagrave:

You might consider it a sensitive location anyway, but the truth is, most of these older cemeteries will only have a handful of visitors each year, not counting (or maybe even counting) Veterans Day, Memorial Day, etc.

So when I got this cemetery for review a couple days ago, I approved it. Until I see official instruction otherwise, I will continue to approve similar nominations. After all, isn’t this why we usually review in our home areas, so we are aware of such regional/cultural factors?

And yes, the paucity of other eligible POIs in areas such as this definitely plays a part in my own decision on things like this. I’m also quick to reject a generic bench with a memorial plaque, but pretty likely will approve a memorial for a beloved Scout leader or church pastor . . . so long as the nomination names the memorialized person and says why they mattered to the locals.


I actually approved this wayspot as well. Mostly because I know the location was correct based off looking it up. Found this interesting site as well: Waugh Cemetery Detail Liste
Also, I find it odd not to approve signs if we are allowed to approve wayspots in the actual cemetery. Probably ruining my agreements but I don’t quite agree with letting points inside pass but not the actual location sign. Especially, for rural areas like this, it is likely people are walking with their pets or just out for exercise.
One of our cemeteries in town is very busy with people walking, cycling, and out with pets. It is one of the many that hosts tours and has significant gravestones, but others I put an edit location in for were removed. Although, my duplicate wayspot was denied and I apparently needed to provide more information per my appeal on the old forum. If I attempted a move via help chat it would have been removed :woman_shrugging: Guess it depends on who you get on the Niantic end. I just gave up and let the community have the duplicate.
Despite the guidelines, where it does state that tours might make an exception, this is likely hard to prove or perhaps they need to be an important tour of some sort. Well we have tours with the Old Cemeteries Society and they often will go into detail about the history and significance of graves.


It is becoming a thing, at least in Europe. Cemeteries tourism. For example cemeteriesroute(.)eu/cemeteries
They recommend old and significant cemeteries, offer routes and info about it etc.

I think it’s about being respectful while playing. It’s the same with churches for example. You won’t enter it while playing and be disrespectful, but it is still a wayspot.


At the very least, shouldn’t the Tipton one be rejected because they didn’t spell “Haynes” correctly?

Sorry for the late question; I’m relatively new and trying to get a feel for the right way to go on things when I’m reviewing. Cemetery-related noms have been particularly challenging for me.

Personal opinion, who ever said let’s go to a cemetery to exercise, explore, socialise? Well excluding scary movies. Let’s play a game

Personally I generally reject.

Only thing I do consider at times are ones that are attached to churches where there is possibly a sculpture or statue that might be ok.

We do have a few famous cemeteries over here that would fall inside explore but probably not one in every village, town and city in the country.

It’s an irritating typo, and could easily have been an unseen autocorrect. However I would not :-1: as it can easily be sorted by an edit.
If you feel that in any review there are typing/spelling errors that under accuracy don’t warrant :+1: you can select I don’t know, and then pick title or description and there is also a short free text box if you want to explain.

I don’t mind a spelling error.

It’s up to the individual reviewer though.

Some people with an interest in history like to visit old graveyards and read the graves and look at the artwork. So explore, basically. It’s not an interest of mine personally but I can see that it would appeal to some. We have churches around here with graveyards dating back many hundreds of years, albeit you cant always read the gravestones on the oldest ones because they erode. Graveyards at these churches tend to be full many years ago and are often little wildlife havens, and are carefully maintained with wildlife in mind. They often include ancient yew trees which are particularly stunning. No need to cater to mourners, as anyone who would mourn for these people all died a long time ago too.


Do cemetery nominations make me feel a bit uneasy? Yeah.

Would I submit these to get some new P0k3st0p? Yeah😂



Uneasy as in, just don’t feel right in amongst the graves. We have an old abbey here which would be ok I guess as the graves are hundreds of years old and people go there to visit the abbey but some of the grave are tombs so are quite interesting. Used to scare the bejaysus out of me as a kid though because some of them have subsided so much that they have shifted and cracked open. (Leaving the skeleton of whoever was laid to rest there on display.:scream::scream::scream:

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Like I mentioned we have a few of those. 1 big one that gets thousands of people visiting it from worldwide but cemeteries like that are few and far between. I can appreciate the likes of old abbeys, churches etc. that are hundreds of years old. The big tombs are quite interesting. Just, most of the submissions I come across are the local parish cemetery where people are going to pay their respects to their loved ones on a daily, weekly basis.


They are interesting. Both the history and architecture. I’d have no issue with those. The tower one is quite cool never came across that before. I just don’t like the ones where they are still in use. Usual I get for review are a crucifix on top of somebodys grave or a Madonna statue and you can clearly see the new graves around it. But the ones you posted seem a lot older.

Uneasy as in I don’t want to playing a silly game while people have more important things on their mind. I’m not worried about the dead :slight_smile: