Accept a cemetery - Do not enter

Enjoy the trail markers and bike routes…

Finally got a memorial that’s not a cemetery or bench.

So close…

Joan is still alive and kicking

I had the fire service “mirror” too :laughing:

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Something not quite right here…

There is alot of nominations for cemeterys

Now I have that one.
Is the plaque photoshoped?

The other side of that monument is already a wayspot.

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Yes many cemeteries, memorial benches, memorial trees…

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Thanks, I saw it was already in. A double fail unfortunately ::cry:

Looks funny how the screws are screwed in nothing

I did report that one which I rarely do but that was taking the p1ss

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Me to

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I looove a good duplicate memorial bench - so easy to review :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Yep, had all of those :roll_eyes: :angry:

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That last one is the only one I’ve let through.
It appears inactive and has some historical relevance.
I think this may all be a conspiracy to boost the traffic for :thinking:

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And now I’m getting mausoleums. Some of these mausoleums and cemeteries say that these were Niantic okayed at some point. Where are they getting this idea?

I’m getting Funeral Homes soooo
… One of us is moving in the right direction.

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Well perhaps they mean in the past. I know a couple cemeteries that have wayspots all over the place.
FYI when I was editing titles/descriptions and locations and needed to appeal via help chat they removed them as they did not meet wayfarer criteria. Except for a historical grave.
Now… do the same for boring old memorial benches and they stay in :rofl: Which is quite confusing.
Anyhow, we have two large cemeteries that I know of packed full of waypoints so I can see why some may misunderstand this. Especially if they are not familiar with criteria or wayfarer and go based off what is already in the game that they have come across. Definitely seen a lot of “Niantic says this meets guidelines” notes in supporting comments. I pretty much ignore that if its a small amount since it takes a lot to do a submission and don’t think their intention is to sway the vote. Sometimes you can tell by what is written.


Oh I got one too!

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