Accept a cemetery - Do not enter

They are pretty common around Edinburgh cemeteries because of these two fine gentlemen

I do think this where a sense of proportion needs to kick in.
I visited a cemetery. A large interesting grave was that of Sir Edward Woodward but it was nearby where there were burial plots were in use. Further on there was a large memorial to an incident that happened a long time ago when many lives were lost. To get to that you would walk past the more recent burials.
Not everything needs to be on a map or in a game. Interesting though it was for me as individual to visit to me it was clearly not appropriate to put these in the map or a game.
Surely judgements like that are obvious???

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Yeah this is where its a shame that the review areas are so huge, because someone from that town may have a much more accurate idea of whatā€™s appropriate or not than someone 400 miles away. The submitter may or may not be thinking of whatā€™s appropriate, and the reviewers donā€™t necessarily know either.


Iā€™m confused on what you are saying about this?

Yes. Same as that.

Fine gentlemen indeed.:scream: Never seen the Towers in the graveyards before. Not sure if we have any over here.

I think itā€™s still about are the players respectfull while playing or not. Churches are also stops but you wonā€™t enter it while there is a mass and be loud and disrespectful.

The same with the cemeteries - you can quietly go and spin a stop without disturbing people around you.

However, if the players are disrespectful, it would be problem with any waystop, regardless if itā€™s a cemetery or notā€¦

There might be one or two in Dublin and Burke and Hare were originally Ulstermen.

Iā€™ve seen plenty in Edinburgh and Scotlandwith the one in St Cuthberts now converted into office space.

Mortsafes are common too as they were a lot less expensive sometimes being just a little hut or these :ghost:


I guess there are probably a few here. Some evening when I get an inquisitive burst of energy Iā€™ll see if I can track them down. :rofl: The Mortsafes look cool, obviously there for uncool reasons but cool nonetheless.

I would think so.

Thereā€™s usually a lot of cultural crossovers between us - Language, football, religion, drinking, shouting angrily, digging up dead peopleā€¦ Normal everyday stuff.

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Ya, Regular weekend of fine debauchery. :rofl: Nothing betterā€¦now whereā€™d I leave my shovel.:thinking:

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That looks like the sign for the entrance to the cemetery down the road, which is acceptable. However, the address is for a residence/house which is not acceptable.

Verify the exact location for the submission, and if its at an intersection to the path then Iā€™d approve it. They might be planning to submit the cemetery itself as a second stop.

Addresses are approximate. The actual pin location is what matters.

You should probably also read this post, which you may have missed from earlier in the thread:

When assessing a submission it is not part of the assessment process to take into account what may or may not also be submitted in the future.
We judge the submission against questions, and on what has been accepted nearby.


I live next to a cemetery and it is full of pokestops. There is like 15 pokestops in it. It have interesting statues and monuments. there is also a route thru it. someone made route thru cemetery.

Front gate is fair game. Every portal or suggestion of one except for obvious exceptions re: the Eternal Flame in Arlington or the King Memorial in Atlanta, inside a cemetery should NEVER be considered for a portal.

The same thing happened to me with problems as not accepting my application

@RoIi112 @elijustrying
A continuation of Schumacher -Weisel - #21 by Mxx

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Thank you @Leedle95

@Mxx and @mirthmaker
Please cease this war of words.