Another try - hiking trail

Can anyone tell me why this got rejected? It is an official hiking trail from an official association. The trail itself also documented on a website. Why did the community reject this wayspot? Any ideas? As far as I understand with the clarification on hiking trails it should be eligible

Wayspot Submission for Wandermarkierung für den Zielweg Erlangen-Kalchreuth-Heroldsberg

Geschaidt BY

Not Accepted


Rejection Criteria

Temporary/Seasonal or Not Distinct

No consensus


Die Gelbpunkt-Markierung steht für einen offiziellen Wanderweg des Fränkischen Albvereins. Dieser heißt “Zielweg Erlangen-Kalchreuth-Heroldsberg” und würde jüngst vom Verein nach Heroldsberg verlängert. Die Gesamtlänge des Weges beträgt 22 Kilometer.


G5R9+5J Geschaidt, Deutschland

Supplemental Information

Als offizieller Wanderweg des Fränkischen Albvereins ist das Objekt sicher und freizugänglich für jeden. Es gibt auch eine offizielle Dokumentation auf folgender Webseite Weg-Nr.148 . Bitte beachtet, dass der auf der Seite befindliche Weg nun nach Heroldsberg verlängert wurde.

Did you provide information to a web source that this is an official trail in the supplementary information?

EDIT: Sorry I missed the hyperlink, I guess that was discourse.

It can help to clarify for reviewers what is interesting about the specific trail.

Walking and biking trails are listed in the critieria as good places to exercise, but are notoriously difficult to get accepted, and even the appeals team have some wierd standards they apply (ie the material the marker is made of, which isnt supposed to matter)

In short, when submitting a trail, be prepared to get it rejected 5 times and twice on appeal before it is accepted finally

That way sometimes you’ll be pleased when its immediately accepted, and won’t be too disheartened when its rejected for a variety of wierd reasons

Thank you, that is also my opinion as well. Even when you appeal these eligible wayspots sometimes they get accepted sometimes rejected which makes it a guessing game. The best result you get when you have luck and the AI accept these spots.

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Probably a good approach for the ones within a few kms of home/work is to take pictures on your phone before submitting, and save them

Then youre able to resubmit from home without going back to take more pictures, which gets harder for some trails during the winter and I think also adds to some of the frustration with rejections

You can take an array of angles, close ups etc to try different things and see what works best for reviewers/ML

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