Appeal against invalid warning for nominating wayspots that do not meet the criteria

  • Wayspot Title:

Wandelroutewijzer Thornspiccerpad & Vrijheijtpad

  • Location (lat/lon):


  • City:


  • Country:


  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information)

  • Additional Information (if any):

Today I received the following email in my mailbox:

April 23, 2024, 06:53 +0000
Hello Explorer,

Following a report and an internal investigation performed by our team, we have confirmed that you have been submitting Wayspot nominations that do not meet our criteria. As a result of this violation, you are receiving this email as a warning and an opportunity to learn from your mistakes.

Here is an example of the violation mentioned above:
Title: Wandelroutewijzer Thornspiccerpad & Vrijheijtpad
Context: The aforemention Wayspot/nomination does not meet our eligibility criteria as it is generic/mass-produced.

We recommend you review the Wayspot Criteria(Wayfarer — Niantic Technical Support and Help Center) before submitting any more Wayspot nominations. Note that any further violations can lead to permanent suspension of your Wayfarer and Pokémon GO accounts.

Best regards,||

April 23, 2024, 06:50 +0000
Message from Niantic

Concerning your Wayspot Submissions|

I want to create an appeal regarding this warning I received in my mail. The Pokéstop that I got a warning for is an eligible pokéstop submitted in December 2022. It falls in the category walking trail markers and it’s an eligible nomination since:

  • it’s placed by an organisation that creates a lot of special walking trail around the country.
  • there is information about the walking trail on the sign
  • information about the organisation and an url to their website on the sign
  • the name of the trail is visible on the sign.

So the marker contains enough information about the trail and organisation. It’s not just an arrow it has a lot of information about the trail and a url to the website.

The sign is permanent there is enough evidence online about the trail and the organisation. I will add some urls as evidence below:

On the following website from the Niantic nomination guidelines is the following text visible:

A great place for exercise

A place you’d go to get some fresh air, stretch your legs, or exercise. Places that encourage walking, exercising, and enjoying public spaces. Or something that teaches or encourages us to be our healthiest selves.

Example of Wayspot categories

  • Parks and plazas

  • Gardens

  • Forests

**Hiking trails & markers <———

  • Biking trails & markers

  • Exercise equipment in public spaces

  • Sport arenas

  • Sport fields

Hiking trail and markers are listed as eligible way spots. And since I have already given a lot of evidence why this wayspot I got warned for is eligible I want to create an appeal.



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That’s not the correct lat/lon for the Wayspot that led to this warning. The correct lat/lon is: 52.442769,5.85192

Hi, Aron.

My bad I couldn’t understand from the mail which one of the submissions it was. But i have added pictures from the wayspot you mentioned. The same things apply to this wayspot as for the pictures I shared on the original post.

The same things apply to this submission since it are the same type of markers. Just another location on the route. All the evidence in my post can be applied to this submission.

I’m curious about the mix up as to which one this applies to.
Has this happened because the titles are the same?
When I submit trail markers I make sure that the title reflects the unique location that it is at so it is easy to identify which marker is being referred to. I do think that is an important feature of a trail marker submission.