Additional Information (if any): Hello, I see that despite my call my proposal is still refused, except that when I do validations I meet some that have been validated regularly. The hiking marker is not yet on Google Map because it is not yet up to date…
I do not understand how my proposal is rejected except that the same proposals elsewhere are validated…
Thank you
Nothing to worry about. Mods just usually let you know why they have done something when they have made any adjustment to your post. It isn’t always clear where it should go.
You can’t always go by what you see in game for new nominations. They could have been accepted in error, or there could be more to the wayspot’s importance than you realize from the game location.
Trail markers are one type of nomination that were widely accepted after a past clarification. That clarification was walked back some, and was not brought to this new forum. The current clarification is here:
I don’t know enough about your part of the world to understand if this is just a notice for vehicular traffic about a route following the road, which I would not consider to be significant, either.
It’s a walk on a site created for a non-profit organization for walking in my neighborhood, and since the refusal I still see similar nominations and still being accepted in neighboring cities that weren’t there before…
But mine are always refused…