Appeal for Removed Portal

When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:

  • Wayspot Title: Cat Mural
  • Location (lat/lon): -6.244813,106.781124
  • City:Jakarta Selatan
  • Country:Indonesia
  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):N/A
  • Additional Information (if any):

Dear Wayfarer Review Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to appeal the removal of a portal that I previously submitted and was accepted into the game, located in Gang Ilyas, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan. The portal in question features a mural created by a Thai artist and several others as part of a collaborative art initiative that highlights social issues and women’s empowerment.

The mural has significant cultural value, and I believe it met all the required criteria outlined by Niantic Wayfarer. Specifically:

  • The mural is a visually striking, permanent public artwork.
  • It contributes to the cultural and social fabric of the community.
  • It encourages exploration, as it is part of an art initiative supported by organizations like Dulux, MasterPeace, and Micro Galleries (reference here).

Unfortunately, around 7:25 AM WIB (00:25 GMT), I noticed that the portal had disappeared from the game. I suspect that it may have been reported by another player, but I firmly believe that its removal was unwarranted based on the criteria set by Wayfarer.

I kindly ask for a review of this decision and for the portal to be reinstated, as it holds cultural significance and meets the necessary criteria for a valid portal.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. I look forward to your response.

@NianticAaron and @NianticAtlas , any update?

Hi, there are no updates at the moment, but we’ll share them as soon as they’re available. Thank you for your continued patience!

Thanks for the appeal, @kingofmagic. We have taken another look but stand by our decision to retire the Wayspot.

The complete lack of context on why a given decision was made causes frustration for the community and fails to educate people.

In this case, you could have added something like “because I don’t like cats.”

Relying on the community to explain why you have made or will make a given decision allows false statements to proliferate as users guess at prior decisions and treat them as new criteria statements not made or clarified elsewhere.


exactly this is happening here: Fire Station, Wayspot blocking emergency access - #2 by Mystogan5097

I must have gotten this one correct, since @NianticAaron didn’t edit it :thinking:

Why do you hate cats @NianticLC ?

Based on what it look, it’s painted on outer wall/fence of a K-12 school “Sekolah Lentera Indonesia”.