Appeal Rejected Removal Request City Hall Cascading Fountain

This fountain has not existed in some time. I have tried finding it when exploring my city hall area and from the looks of it the fountain was removed when renovations were done on the city hall plaza. The pinned location is at the back of the city hall council chambers and the area is currently the area for utilities and the dumpster pick up for city hall.

most recent streetview screenshot.

I have moved this request to the right category. A Niantic employee will judge this when they get to it.

Thank you. I was trying to figure out which category to place it in. For future references may I ask what removal appeals are supposed to be categorized as? I haven’t posted much on the new forums. I was looking for an appeals category and did not see it when creating the topic on mobile.

This category is both for appealing removed wayspots as well as appealing rejected removal requests. The new community forum takes some getting used to, but welcome! There should be a menu to show the different categories on the left.

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Thanks for the appeal, @kholman. After reviewing the additional evidence provided, we’ve decided to retire the Wayspot in question.