Appeal sport route

When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:

  • Wayspot R’kerk gezond +distance or direction
  • Location yellow route
  • 51.855155,4.624052
  • 51.856013,4.621620
  • 51.856188,4.609334
  • 51.857329,4.599381

All information about the route + map

Met het uitzetten van de routes is rekening gehouden met stoplichten, ondergrond en gevaarlijke kruisingen. De lopers volgen de verkeersregels die gelden voor voetgangers. De markeringen zijn aangebracht op de grond. Het is onderhoudsvriendelijk, duurzaam en vandalisme bestendig. In Rotterdam en Barendrecht liggen dezelfde markeringen. De realisatie van de routes is een mooie aanvulling op het bestaande wandelroutenetwerk, want naast hardlopen kan je de route natuurlijk ook gewoon wandelen of skaten.

As you can see they also have a little arrow for direction and some have distance on how far you are on the route.

Things you see on the route. And walk true

A lot to see and explore on the route

Thanks for the appeal, @Panjadraakj. We have taken another look but stand by our decision to retire the Wayspots.

Thank you ! So i can rejected every sport markers

Appeal decisions are not supposed to be used as criteria clarifications.

Each submission should be judged based on the criteria as explained in Wayfarer and the clarifications: Criteria Clarification Collection - Niantic Wayfarer Community

So it dont fit in this critiria above or?
Or can you show me a link where the diffrent sport signs stand? Witch are good and witch one not?

I dont vote in wayfarer anymore :sweat_smile: why waisting time, if the decides also whitin 30 / 60 seconds to reject it (what you can see ad time in between appeal topics) they dont even look ad the information

Nothing to do about then accepting poor quality decisions. :+1:

Wayspots on the ground are hard to prove. I think your link proves your town has them. But as I recall, Germany doesn’t have Streetview, making it hard to prove exactly where they are. You didn’t share your Supporting Picture with us, but it would be best for it to include the marker and something unique like a street sign or building.

Also, the scan / VPS system can’t recognize a scan of the ground as valid. But if your new nomination is rejected, you could try Scaniverse (unless you have Andriod, which currently only makes corrupted files), and attach it to your appeal.

In both cases, abusers (nominating junk and scanning the ground) may have ruined ground art/markers for everyone.

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This, sadly.

Its the Netherlands @MargariteDVille
i only nominated the ones where there is no car traffic, just to be sure and save

There are also spots on google maps you can see.


Also few examples of different colour route.

( abusers Nominating junk and scanning the ground) may have ruined ground art/markers for everyone. That dont explain why they can restore other markers on the ground.
Or why everyone need to be punished for it

A lot of people are also helping in keeping the
The game updated whit removing wayspot that dont excist anymore and adding new ones into the game. And wanna do it the right way followed by critiria and guidlines and advise from fellow wayfarer.

And support foto? They where all accepted, ML , communtie by niantic

But where easy removed :sweat_smile:

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i need a new phone for scanning, try few times to scan but get only blackscreen, or game restart. Maybe this year someday :+1:

Just some extra links

Honestly, dont know why the nia staff are against these, youve provided decent evidence in subsequent comments that they exist, and i wpuld accept them, they arent any worse than a trail marker or a running track

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Thank you for your comment, sadly its the same for me other topic. Also added extra info probally no response.

Most people ignore the quality of niantic team , but get frustrated if the see bad nomination.

While most people just trying to follow the guidlines and critiria and do there best and spend a lot of time on it. A little more explanation from team should be appreciated.

@iFrankmans maybe you also explain this one why this one get excluded, but 2 stripes painted on a tree or pole is high quality?

No that is up to Niantic to explain.