Appealed portal suddenly disappeared

When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:

  • Wayspot Title: Vlonderbruggetje Klompenmaker
  • Location (lat/lon): 52.320834, 6.898487
  • City: Oldenzaal
  • Country: The Netherlands
  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):
  • Additional Information (if any): A small pedestrian bridge, connecting the neighboorhood to the green heart from the park between ‘De Thij’ and ‘Graven Es’. This portal was originally rejected by the community, but succesfully appealed. It suddenly disappeared, and I don’t really get why.
    I do know there are some people in the area that hunt portals from the opposite faction, and report them, as part of the competition between the green and blue faction. This happens by both factions, and I dislike the fact this is being facilitated this way.

It would help to clarify what is significant about this bridges as not every bridge meets the eligibility criteria. Can you share the trails this bridge is a part of?

See also: Criteria Clarification Collection - Discussion - #73 by thenamelesskath

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The bridge is a important connecting from ‘Graven Es’ to the green heart between it and ‘De Thij’. It also connects to the route that allows neighbors and pedestrian and even cyclists to visit the ‘Buurtmoestuin de Triangel’, which grows and sells vegetables and host events.
It also is a direct connecting the the local hockey club ‘OHC Bully’ and goes in a straight line to the road that connects to the back gate from the hockey club. (at the diagonal road ahead)

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Thanks for the appeal, @kenbeimer. We have taken another look but stand by our decision to retire this Wayspot.