Return of a removed wayspot

A Wayspot has disappeared but it’s still there in the real world and elegible.

  • Wayspot Title: Bord Berlicum route
  • Location (lat/lon): (51.6837411, 5.4499567)
  • City: Berlicum
  • Country: Netherlands
  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information): -
  • Additional Information (if any): This wayspot was removed but its a legitimate trailmarker of a much used bicycle route. The marker is permanent and stil here.

Google Maps


Is there a estimated waiting time as to when i get a response here about my request?

I’ve found it’s usually around a week. Sometimes a day or so before, sometimes a day or so after that.

Not that I know of you can scan down this category and get a sense of when staff post answers.

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Thanks for the response! I’ll just have to be patient i guess :wink:


Thanks for the appeal @JakeElwoodB We have taken another look but stand by our decision to retire this Wayspot.

Hi, could you clarify why the wayspot is retired? Last time i checked trailmarkers are eligible.

There were some concerns about this path being used by vehicles. Having said that, and after a through discussion with @iFrankmans we have restored the Wayspot.


Thank you for the quick response and the explanation. And i’m glad the wayspot will be restored. Thnx!


So we dont need a safe sidewalk? perfect to stand whit a group of people raiding a gym in the dark whit no street lights, car may drive 60 km per hour on the road there, while most drive even faster, How is this a safe location to stand whit a group of people?

Confusing that some safe places get rejected where all the players can benifits from the waypoint, like safe footbridges that connect parts of town whit eachother or the park, whitout the footbridges you cant go anywhere in some towns, city s, great fishingspots whit a dock and bench, places whit a great view and a bench, the safest trail markers from school routes for children and parents, what always have a sidewalk get rejected :sweat_smile:

So small land roads outside build-up areas where you may drive 60km per hour and no sidewalks are safe locations? To play niantic games?