Biased nominations, considering the fact that even a private community should have the ability to nominate stops if certain criteria are met

There should be a tracker on how much pokestops and gyms are used regardless of how many players who partake in the use of the stops or gyms. In my opinion if a pokestop is spun solely by one person over 50 times a month, not including any others. That alone should be enough to allow the player to immediately have the ability to nominate more stops nearby. All I’m saying is, it doesn’t matter if it’s one very active and dedicated player putting the pokestop or gym to use, several players or huge amounts of players. Public community or private community. Someone is trying to play and grow and we shouldn’t limit others based off the fact that it doesn’t benefit everyone. If this mindset was incorporated into all decision making everyone would have more opportunities to grow and as cheesy as it may sound… Catch them All 🫶🏽:heart::100:

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Hi @Dabzo
Welcome to the forum :hugs:

You have only to reach level 37 in Pokémon Go and than you can start to nominate :+1:

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37 :wink:


Hi, welcome to the forum! Not sure if you are familiar with how Wayfarer works, but it is a cross-game system that allows you to nominate wayspots. These then may become Pokéstops or gyms, depending on whether they meet Pokémon GO’s inclusion rules. As @AliceWonder1511 said above, it opens at level 37 if you are accessing it through Pokémon GO.

I completely agree it would be interesting to know how various wayspots out there are interacted with. You seem to be focused on Pokémon GO interaction with wayspots, and it’s great that you enjoy this game, but there are multiple other games in which wayspots can appear (as said above not all wayspots are eligible for all games - that might be important to you in the future given that you seem to be interested in a single game and are looking to nominate something “nearby”) and be interacted with as well. Statistics from those other games could also be relevant. In the same line of thought, I’m not sure we should penalize people who are sharing wayspots with other people in terms of nomination access, or people who level up without any wayspots in their area at all (one could argue that people who don’t interact with wayspots actually need them more than those who interact with a single one :slight_smile: ).

I’m not sure if you know but you get 40 nominations when you start doing Wayfarer, and then if you use some of them one a day accrues back until you reach 40 again. So overall I think it’s already plenty for a new Wayfarer user to start with.

Do let us know if you have questions about the system, or ideas about future nominations! There is a set of eligibility rules about Wayfarer and sometimes it’s best to review them or ask the community before nominating something, and we are happy to help.


Can you share with us your experience? The situation you’ve describe is not how Wayfarer works at all. It sounds like you may be having difficulty getting things approved and came to the wrong conclusion on why they werent approved. We are here to help with that. Nomination Support is the right channel to show us what you have submitted and had denied. Its even better to show us what you are thinking of submitting so we can help you create the best nomination for it!

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Moving to Nomination Support

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