Can we get the ability to withdraw title and description edits, please?

First, I’d like to say thanks to the Wayfarer team for implementing a way to view our submitted edits.

But I would like to also have the ability to withdraw edits, as some of my old submitted edits are no longer relevant due to things like changes to the wayspot itself, forum / chat support already making the needed changes, etc. I’d like to be able to voluntarily remove these from the queue to reduce backlog.

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: Here’s an example of an obsolete edit.

The wayspot name originally contained a player name when I submitted an edit suggestion in 2023. It has been fixed now but the edit is still in queue.


This has been suggested since edits were added to Contribution Management. Believe me, you’re not the only one that would like to either withdraw, hold, or edit edits.

This post by Niantic staff shows that they do understand and that it will hopefully be an option soon™️


I officially have a warning on my account because I was unable to withdraw an edit I submitted by mistake. I was recording videos to teach my community how to do it, submitted on accident, and was unable to withdraw/cancel. Really don’t want to be punished for this.

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Hi @Xegster

Welcome to the forum :hugs:
When did you try it the last time?
Withdraw edits might be possible right now.
If yours is already in voting, I’m sorry you’re to late to do that.

Hey @AliceWonder1511

About a week ago. If it matters, I can get an exact date.

Will the process for withdrawing a location edit be the same as for submitted stops? I’ll probably never edit a location again to find out, just curious so I don’t miss it.

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I never tried it myselve but why not :woman_shrugging:t2:
Go to your contribution page and try it.
If there’s no button to edit, you could make a screenshot and post it here by tagging some niantic staff.

But again, if your edit is “in voting” there’s no chance to do so

Unfortunately, my edits have already been rejected and I’ve been issued a warning for them :frowning:

Do you want to share the email? They are badly worded, but usually they issue “educational emails” that are not actual warnings. And if you reply to the email you will get an answer something like

Please disregard the warning notification. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

Here’s the original email from Graham:

Hello Explorer,

Following a report and an internal investigation performed by our team, we have confirmed that you have been trying to move existing Wayspots to the wrong location via Location Edits. As a result of this violation, you are receiving this email as a warning and an opportunity to learn from your mistakes.

Here is an example of the violation mentioned above:
Title: Butterfly Energy Mural
Context: You have tried to move this Wayspot away from its correct location.

We recommend you review the Wayspot Criteria(Wayfarer — Niantic Technical Support and Help Center) before submitting any more Wayspot edits. Note that any further violations can lead to permanent suspension of your Wayfarer and Pokémon GO accounts.

Best regards,

Here is my submitted appeal and their response:

June 28, 2024, 02:49 +0930
Hello again,

We have thoroughly reviewed your edits and found that you have been trying to move existing Wayspots to the wrong location via Location Edits. Please review the aforementioned Wayspot details and context shared in our previous message. As a result, we have notified you about it after our investigation. Please review the Wayspot Criteria before submitting any further edits.


Wayfarer Support
June 27, 2024, 17:12 +0930
Thank you for submitting an appeal. You will receive a response via email at after a complete investigation of the suspension.
June 27, 2024, 17:12 +0930
Wayfarer Abuse Enforcement Ladder Policy

Your email address

Your reason the suspension should be overturned
I haven’t been suspended yet, only warned, but I would like to see if I can appeal the warning. I record videos for my community on how to do various Pokemon Go things. I was trying to make a video for editing locations. I opened up the “Edit Location” menu for the Butterfly Energy Mural and just dragged it down. I didn’t realize that “Submit” immediately submits the edit without a prompt. Then, I immediately tried to fix it, but all I did was submit the same erroneous edit a second time. I logged into Niantic to cancel/withdraw those edits and was unable to. I should have immediately contacted Wayfarer, but I thought the edits would be rejected and there would be no issue. You can see that I’ve withdrawn other erroneous submissions before. You can trust that I won’t be editing locations again.|

Right this is not a “Warning” as in a strike against your account. This is an “educational email”. Believe it or not, they are much better than they used to be in that they now tell you what you did wrong. I know from personal experience that they are very upsetting, but can confirm that nothing happened to me after getting one of these.

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Oh. That’s excellent news. You’re more experienced here, so I’ll trust your assessment, but can you help me understand why the email says “this email as a warning” and “any further violations can lead to permanent suspension” if it doesn’t count as a strike? Do you have an example of the wording used when it’s an official strike?

Really appreciate your responses here, thank you

Happily I do not have an example of a “First Strike” warning. And I left “I think” out of my response, as in “I think” this is not a “Warning” and “I think” this is an educational email. But I must confess that I read the other email chain backwards from top to bottom instead of chronological order and thought the message from Karter was after you had replied to Graham’s email, and that you were waiting on the response from the appeal you made. I haven’t done one of those. Since Karter did not repeat the word “warning” I thought it was not one, but Karter also did not say “typo” or “disregard”, and that response was for the appeal, so I may have misread the situation. Apologies and I feel awful if I did misread.

Maybe a Niantic employee can confirm as to whether there is a strike against your account or not. And maybe you can show them what you were trying to demonstrate for the community if there is.

Hahaha well, now I’m back to feeling bad about my warning. Sorry for the confusion. I responded to Karter via email, fingers crossed that that goes somewhere. I do have videos I’ve made for my PoGo group on how to create stops and edit locations and things like that.

The above was Aaron’s response to this thread about an email like yours.

In other words, I too believe that your message from Niantic was a botched ‘educational advisory’ rather than a formal strike.

However, until they learn to say what they mean and do what they say we all remain on tenterhooks. They will go all-in on something that seemed to show a suspicious pattern and throw the word ‘abuse’ around as though it is the only alternative to exemplary behavior.

@eneeoh Aaron also responded to my email and it’s definitely a real warning that they’re sticking with. I get it, I wouldn’t believe my excuse, either. It looks really sus and unbelievable to everyone else.

Hello again,

The edit you submitted was intended to move the Wayspot away from its correct location to manipulate the Pokémon GO gameboard. This is a violation of our policies and as a result, you have been warned after a thorough review. We standby our decision.


We all make mistakes. The key is that we learn from them, and you are at least clear about the situation.

The important thing now is that you make sure you don’t put yourself in a similar position again.

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Naw, I’m good, I’m not risking a 30 day ban in PoGo. It was fun while it lasted I guess

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There is nothing to worry as long as you follow the guidelines. If you do not agree with this decision, you have the option to appeal which will be reviewed manually.

I know, I did appeal. I posted the response in this thread. It looks sus and I probably wouldn’t believe me, either. But I’m still worried about losing my account. I had other submissions rejected, too, so I’m clearly bad at this. I’ll seek a more experienced player in my area to help submit stops.