Get ready for some updates to your Contribution Management page. On April 30, 2024 you will notice Edits included in your Contributions tab on the Wayfarer website. This addition has been a long time coming and we are happy to deliver it out to our community of Explorers. Once shipped, you will see your Edits alongside your nominations, their status as you would with any regular nomination, and filter them by edit type.
In addition to seeing your edits and their status, you’ll also be able to Upgrade and Appeal your edits from within the Contributions tab. Both upgrades and appeals will continue to use their corresponding counters. This means that you can still only accrue 1000 Upgrades which can now be applied to either edits or nominations. This also means that your appeals can be applied to either, edits and nominations.
Lastly, we will be increasing the amount of appeals from 1 every 20 days to 2 every 20 days. Please note that you will only be able to hold 2 appeals max at the same time. Each time you use the 1 of the 2 appeals, you’ll be granted another appeal 20 days after. With this change, we will also start to slowly roll back on edit appeals in the Help Chat to ensure we sustain a healthy appeals backlog. Help Chat edit appeals will come to a close on May 15, 2024.
We can’t wait for you to check it out and give us your feedback! We have some initial feedback from our Ambassadors and look forward to hearing from you about your likes, missing needs, etc.
Can we withdraw edits? I once submitted a location edit from the game app, but after months had passed and the results were not returned, I requested a location correction directly in chat. Such edits are already unnecessary and bother the community.
This is unfortunate. Why should I choose to appeal an edit instead of a nomination? There are certainly edits that I’ve found rejections for to be frustrating, but none to a level where I would be willing to sacrifice a potential wayspot appeal. I want wayspots to have high quality titles and descriptions, but given a choice between that and potentially getting a difficult but eligible wayspot accepted, I’ll choose the wayspot every time.
Given how long it’s taken to get this functionality in the first place, how reasonable is it to expect that any missing needs which weren’t addressed as part of the Ambo feedback stage will realistically ever be addressed?
This is great to hear, even if I don’t intend to appeal any of them. Thanks for the confirmation!
For users of community-developed plug-ins which complement the Wayfarer site, please be aware that updates will be required to some plug-ins for continued operation.
Given that you’ve presumably received feedback from the Ambos already, what changes were made prior to releasing it to a larger audience to ensure you’re providing a usable and high quality experience without the need for external tools?
Are future improvements already planned as a result of their feedback which you were unable to incorporate prior to release? Of these, which items do you believe the community will find to be the most lacking aspect of the new experience?
I may have missed it, but I saw no time in the original post. As a result, I would assume the deadline is midnight pacific time.
Yes my emails were deleted long ago and I have forgotten most and forgotten what I have submitted a long time ago.
I haven’t done a lot of edits but it will be good to see a complete record.