Hi guys, I recently got a pokestop of a community dog park approved, but I feel like I could’ve done a slightly better job with the photo. I feel like my photo highlights the yellow grass and doesnt show off the beautiful plants surrounding the dog park.
I submitted a new photo, if I want to change it to the main photo, do members of my local community have to vote on it by thumbs upping it on the app? If so, and if the new photo gets more thumbs ups, when will the newer photo update to be the main photo?
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If it is a new wayspot and not from back when ingress used to be the main database, it should only need one more thumb than the other photo. It should change at sync time after that happens. Either the next sync, or the one after that. I am not sure of the cut-off time for thumbs.
The last I heard, someone had to be level 38 to thumbs up a photo. I thought they were going to lower this to 37 as to submit, but I don’t know if this has happened.
If you need more thumbs, you can send gifts to your friends and they can thumb the photo from it or a postcard they save.
If the photo changes in Pokemon Go, that becomes the main photo in Wayfarer for the duplicate check, too.
Wow, I did not even realize that you could thumbs up from a gift or a saved postcard. That’s so awesome! Thank you!
You pretty much covered all of my questions, but I have one more thing - when is the sync time?
For me, Pokemon Go sync is around 2:30-3:00pm here on EST time for nominations. I am terrible at changing that to other time zones. The cutoff time for nominations to sync in the same day is about noon.
Sync isn’t guaranteed, and can be delayed or skipped, but is usually about that time.
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By my experiences, photo synching (when primary photo changes because one has more votes than the prior primary) sometimes happens more than once a day. If I’m feeling compulsive, I look every few hours, lol.
oh good to know. i only check after sync, so i wouldn’t see the intermittent syncs. ty!
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