Clean Slate or are you ever going to bring back an archived forums?

Generally speaking there are TONS of clarifications that are now gone.

For example: There’s a thread over in Review Support about pools.
There was a clarification from Niantic that Apartment/Subdivision/Hotels are NOT acceptable while City/Training Pools were.

There is a kind of collective knowledge among the user base here, that could point newcomers to Niantic posts. That’s gone. New users have no idea, and may not even think to ask are Hotel Pools a good wayspot



The old forums are archived at this link:

Also, pools at apartments and subdivisions are eligible, as long as they are not on any private property, such as a single family home. Hotel pools are a little harder to get approved, as some see them as being non-distinct, part of a chain business, etc, but they may be eligible. I know of a few hotels in my city that have Wayspots at their pools, mainly due to the pools having a variety of fun features, like slides, dump buckets, or unique designs, like they look like pirate ships.


Thank you

Where have to seen the change on Pools? Last I saw pools at apartments, subdivisions, and hotels are specifically banned

NianticGiffardNianticGiffard Posts: 9,164Niantic › admin

July 2022

Hi all! The Wayspot referred to in the discussion created by @RyGuy10189-PGO is a community pool that qualifies it to be an eligible Wayspot.

However, please note that the pools at private residences, condominiums, apartments, and hotels are ineligible.


See the comments from this post:

From the November 2020 AMA:

Similar to before the criteria refresh, swimming pools at private residences or hotels (or other similar residentially-focused locations) are ineligible. Other than that, pools would be a great place to meet and that encourages exercise and should be considered eligible. This includes public pools, pools or training complexes with historical context, reflecting pools, fountains, aquatic centers and cooldown centers, university pools, sport arenas/complexes and more.

The key words are private residences, or private residential property (PRP). PRP is defined as a single family home. I see many pools at apartments and subdivisions that are not on any private property with Wayspots, as they can be safely accessed by pedestrians. Pools at apartments and subdivisions are similar to playgrounds or dog parks at these locations; they are open to all that live in the area and not on any private, single home property.

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Sorry man, that was older than this one. They went back on a future clarification and said that Apartments, Hotels, and Condo Pools are Ineligible

NianticGiffardNianticGiffard Posts: 9,164Niantic › admin

July 2022

Hi all! The Wayspot referred to in the discussion created by @RyGuy10189-PGO is a community pool that qualifies it to be an eligible Wayspot.

However, please note that the pools at private residences, condominiums, apartments, and hotels are ineligible.


Well, criteria continues to change, and pools at apartments and subdivisions are eligible these days, and have been for quite some time. And yes, Niantic hasn’t provided a clear clarification, except that as long as they aren’t on private property, they qualify.

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It has never been clarified that the clarification clarifying that pools at private residences, condominiums, apartments, and hotels are ineligible has been rescinded. The older post references “residentially-focused locations” as ineligible, which would include private residences, condominiums, apartments, and hotels. People think these are eligible now because the November 2020 AMA was removed from the help menu. But are they? We have been begging for a clarification for years. I won’t submit those pools, but I don’t know how to review them. So many people have no idea they were ever clarified ineligible.


Is there a way to unmark this as a solution because this is not correct? No statement from Niantic has said that these pools are eligible now.


No idea how to unmark a solution, or if that’s even possible. I’ve never done it.

As you can see, some view them as eligible, some view them as ineligible. I personally accept them, as they are great places to be social and get exercise.

I think one of the main issues is where the Wayspot should be located. Most are not put in the middle of the pool, but rather on the sun bathing area, deck, or entrance. I know that the city pool in my hometown has their Wayspot at the entrance, for example.

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I had actually started a similar topic today that did not get traction.

That comment on the old forum was genuine from me, but @NianticTintino said that they would be carried over here, if I read his response correctly.

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Since I started the thread, I could mark solution/unmark which I did.
It was still a solution to my original question about old forums, it’s just you added extra information Extra Information that was wrong.

Pools at apartment complexes are absolutely ineligible, nothing has officially changed. The last word on the subject, is still the last word on the subject. And I quoted you to the last word from Niantic.

What you quoted was an unclear passage that Said other similiar residentially-focused locations are ineligible. Niantic later clarified that to mean Apartment Complexes and Condominiums.


thanks! i didn’t know how those solution check marks were added so i asked the wrong person!

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I believe on the old forum the response was that Niantic is working with the ambos to do more criteria clarification. Keep in mind this is Niantic, and nothing happens when they say it’ll happen most times. The new forums were to launch on April 3rd, but actually launched on April 8th.

Also, the ambox have more responsibility here, since they are mods as well as ambos. They aren’t just answering questions, but making sure things stay civil. They also tend to be on other sites, such as Discord and Reddit, helping answer questions there.

It most likely is still being worked on, as there are so many things that need clarification about eligibility. I’ve even had ambos note there are several projects they are currently working on, but no timeframe for when anything will be completed has been given, most likely because even after ambos have finished, Niantic has to approve everything, and, if editing is needed, that will need to happen.


As far as I understand it, anything that Niantic wishes to include or exclude from eligibility needs to be written into their eligibility and acceptance/rejection criteria.

Tintino could swing in on a rope, tomorrow, and tell people on some thread on some forum any cockamamie thing, and throw the frequent visitors into a tizzy, but the bulk of reviewers could not be expected to go along. How could they?

I might think I remember some clarification about some change in philosophy, but it’s either in line with the guidelines and I can fulfill it by following them, or it isn’t, and I can’t and wont.


You’re correct that if its not written directly into the review, someone not reading is going to not follow it.

However, you forget the system is also based on critical mass. So if enough people read/remember/follow it, and you don’t whether knowingly or unknowingly you miss out on agreements & rating. Also nominations fail, which can lead people to ask in forum, and info to get spread along.

Anyway, still more agree with you than not :> But pointing out the other side of things

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Hi! I can’t talk too much for different reasons but I can say that we are working in numerous projects/themes, apart some of us dedicate time to help here/Discord/Reddit/Telegram, etc. We are working and giving feedback from other users, so maybe it doesn’t seems things are being treated or developed, but I can guarantee nice things are being worked on :grin:


I know this, but others assume that Niantic should get things done 3 weeks ago. Not a lot of patience from some.

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Sadly things go slower as we would like to. We can try to push things but we can’t make them work faster. Also, I prefer to have them working slower and better than faster and worse. I also appreciate your opinion ^^

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I agree with you, it’s just that others just want things done as soon as possible. I have the patience, but there are many that have little to no patience. That’s the point I was making to those I was replying to, as they feel that the admins mislead them, yet they are not new to the community, and know things can take time here.

I have all the time to wait, as I understand ambos have other things to do for Wayfarer, but also have lives outside of it. Some people don’t realize this, so they complain when something isn’t resolved quickly enough for them.


Who complained? All I see is a simple question.

Ty @MegaTrainerRed for letting us know this has not been forgotten.