There is a pokemon go stop in a government control building and property. It is in a rural area and the only access to the stop and routes setup on the grounds is a security gate equipped with a password.
I have reported it as the only way to use the stop is as a passenger in a car. Only the staff that work there actually benefit from the routes and the poke stops that have been set up on the facilities grounds.
Is there a better way to report this then the app.
If I understand correctly, you submitted a report through Pokemon Go. You will receive a decision from Niantic through email, accepting or rejecting your report. If this report is rejected, you can appeal the rejection in Wayspot Appeals. Another way to report Pokestops for removal is through the Reporting Abuse or Wayspot Removals forms linked at the top here, to answer your question.
However, this does not sound like this meets the criteria for removal. A Pokestop does not have to be accessible to everyone. The tool tip on the review section for Appropriate makes this clear: