POIs in restricted areas

So while investigating new areas to try and play Pokémon Go, I have noticed multiple POI that are located in restricted or private property.

Prime example: 2 stops and a gym are located in a fenced in area that is accessible to employees or authorized guests of the facility.

I tried to have them removed cause it is now impossible to access said stops. Please explain.
Attached map screenshot, The red marks are gates on the accees point.
3 pois attached are located within the fenced area

POIs do not need to be accessible by everyone to be a valid wayspot.

Niantic views them as being valid because the employees are members of the public. Sounds crazy I know, that even applies to wayspots on military bases.

If you think it’s annoying in PoGo, it’s even more annoying in Ingress where someone with access to one of these wayspots can exercise control over the surrounding area.

But when they are behind gates and fences that say no trespassing or private property. The waypoint review should have rejected.

… than it is perfectly fine, as long as the people who have access can reach the POI safely as pedestrian.


Not everyone needs to have access to a wayspot. Just because you would be trespassing if you tried to access it, it doesn’t mean that other people don’t have access to it. So long as the people who do have access to it can do so safely on foot, and it doesn’t otherwise meet any rejection or removal criteria (which these don’t seem to), then that’s fine.

Just make sure that you respect real world rules when playing your game, and let anyone who works on this site or has business there enjoy their valid wayspots.


A reviewer doing theird due diligence would check the “i” next to "Appropriate and read the following:

A very common analogy is referencing amusement parks or museums. They’re great places to socialize and explore but might be restricted in access by paying for entry or closed during certain hours. And that’s still fine! When I can’t access a Wayspot, it makes me happy that I have thousands around the corner that I can - many that I’ve nominated!


My objection to the criteria is… to access the wayspot I have to join the company / gated community / armed forces etc access the wayspot. I’m too old and unfit to even get through basic training.

Right! You can’t access the wayspot. That’s not a problem.