Community Centers


From the UK. I’m trying to understand something, ive suggested a community center. Used for events and the public to use. A Scout hut information here:

Community Centers that are open to use to the public what are they classes as. There are more in the area and id like to know if its even worth suggesting them.


Hi and welcome to the Forum @jhj64,

Community centers are great!

But if this location is primarily focused on Scouting activities then it falls under the School (K-12) rejection. This is due to the fact that parents leave the care of children under 18 years of age in the hands of a few folks that are not their parents or guardians.


If the place is used exclusively or predominantly for scouts, it would not be eligible. Do you have any source that explains that it is used for other purposes too?

Ah, nothing that is visibly displayed however it is ran with other events (bring and buy/childrens parties) maybe just not as much as the scouts since its a weekly event.