Recientemente me quitaron la suspención, ya pasaron varias horas pero aun no puedo ingresar a mis cuentas, cual es el tiempo de espera para poder ingresar?
este es el correo que me llego:
January 20, 2025, 01:58 -0600 |
Hello Explorer, |
Thank you for writing in.
After a thorough investigation, we have confirmed that the suspensions on your Wayfarer and Pokémon GO accounts were invalid. Hence, we have revoked the suspension.
We recommend you review the Wayspot Criteria (Wayspot Criteria — Wayfarer Help Center) before submitting any more Wayspot candidates or edits. Note that any further violations can lead to the suspension of your Wayfarer and Pokémon GO accounts.
I’d suggest logging completely out of your games and try logging back in again. I think sometimes things need to re-sync with an account and if the app has been open it doesn’t always do this.
Though since you haven’t been playing recently this may not be the issue.
Si ya lo hice, desisntale el juego y tambien quise entrar a mi cuenta de niantic wayfarer en el explorador y sigo sin poder acceder.
I’m sorry. I’d be frustrated too. Are you able to see your Wayfarer Contributions page? I know when people are suspended they are also not allowed to Nominate.
I’m trying to isolate if this is a game issue or if they haven’t fully lifter the suspension yet.
Also do you use the same login information across your Niantic games?
Do you use PTC or Facebook to login to the game?
Uso el mismo correo con todas las cuentas de niantic, y no me permite ver la pagina de contribuciones, no puedo pasar de iniciar sesión por el cartel que me sale, es un poco frustrante el saber que ya puedo jugar pero sigo sin poder hacerlo.
Hopefully someone from Niantic can answer officially. But my last guess is that you will be able to play tomorrow and that something just hasn’t finished processing today. But that is a pure guess on my part.
Ojala algún moderador/administrador de Niantic me apoye, @NianticAaron @NianticAtlas , igual seguiré pendiente sobre futuras actualizaciones.
saludos y gracias por el aporte.
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Apologies for the inconvenience. Could you try accessing your account now?