Exercise business rejected as generic business by appeal reviewers

When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:

  • Wayspot Title: StretchLab West Cary

  • Location (lat/lon): 35.806874,-78.815042

  • City: Morrisville, NC

  • Country: US

  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):

  • Additional Information (if any):

Appeal Statement

This nomination was rejected for two reasons, both of which are incorrect. The “URL or markup” rejection is wrong because the link was in the supporting statement, which is allowed and encouraged as evidence. The “Generic Business” rejection is wrong, as this is a place for exercise. The link helps prove that these classes offer unique physical training. It also has a social component, since they offer group classes. Thank you for reconsidering this nomination.

Niantic Note (info)

Thanks for the appeal, Explorer! We are unable to verify as per the nomination context how this business is a locally longstanding/hyperlocal hangout/cultural hotspot significant to your community. We suggest that you add more information explaining why this business is important for the local community in a new nomination. This can greatly increase the odds of this nomination getting approved. We recommend you review the content guidelines before submitting your next Wayspot contribution: Content Guidelines — Wayfarer Help Center

It seems that some Niantic appeal reviewers do not understand that places for exercise make great Wayspots.


Oh and I didn’t note that the new rejection reason is “other rejection criteria”

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Niantic appeal reviewers make some… interesting judgements. I’ve had a 600m2 villa owned jointly by the municipality and the housing association in the middle of the city, surrounded by municipality-owned tenement houses rejected twice as… single family private property despite pointing out the above. (it’s a historic building which is a part of area designated as historical monument of sorts).

Keeping fingers crossed for your appeal (appeal appeal), maybe it will result in a change of attitude!

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Oh I should note that the reason I submitted this nomination is because it was live as a powerspot import. I wanted to see if it would be rejected for that reason. It was not. Tagging @Glawhantojar on this since we had discussed whether these imports were being considered in review decisions earlier.


Glad it got approved after posting about it. They really need to clarify that chain fitness centers are eligible, like chain movie theaters.