Fake cluster

  • Wayspot Titles:
    -Plan parku Bezrzecze ¹
    -Tablica Powitalna ¹
    -Grafitowa sowa
    -Mural Pogoni Szczecin
    -Huśtawki na placu zabwa
    -Stół do ping ponga

  • Location (lat/lon): 53.4535208, 14.4505610

  • City: Bezrzecze

  • Country: Poland

  • Additional Information (if any):

First two wayspots mentioned in the list (highlighted with ¹ by name) are outdated and do not exist anymore. Here are some photos of the place with its current state.

In this picture you can see that informational sign - wayspot “Plan parku Bezrzecze” - has been removed:

Same for “Tablica powitalna” - sign that once hung on barrier that has been removed:

The other wayspots mentioned in the list are fake and do not exist in given location. Those were submitted over a year ago by a Pokemon Go player. Here are some additional photos to claim my proof:

And the last small detail - the portal " Plac zabaw pod chmurką" should be moved a little to the coords 53.454168, 14.451091. As it is location edit that is offset by more than 10 meters I put that request here. Here is a photo with playground visible in the background of image. It is clearly behind the “A focal hut” wayspot, visible in picture as well.


Thank you for the report. I have sent it to the team for review.

Thanks, most of portals got removed, but still there are 3 cases to resolve.
1: Wayspot " Huśtawki na placu zabwa" is a duplicate of " Plac zabaw pod chmurką"
2. As seen in previous photos, wayspots " Stół do ping ponga" and " Piaskowonica" do not exist and should be removed.

We have reviewed this report and taken action on the Wayspots and Wayfinders in accordance with our policies. Thank you for helping us maintain the quality of the Wayspots.