Wayspot Titles:
-Plan parku Bezrzecze ¹
-Tablica Powitalna ¹
-Grafitowa sowa
-Mural Pogoni Szczecin
-Huśtawki na placu zabwa
-Stół do ping ponga
-Piaskownica -
Location (lat/lon): 53.4535208, 14.4505610
City: Bezrzecze
Country: Poland
Additional Information (if any):
First two wayspots mentioned in the list (highlighted with ¹ by name) are outdated and do not exist anymore. Here are some photos of the place with its current state.
In this picture you can see that informational sign - wayspot “Plan parku Bezrzecze” - has been removed:
Same for “Tablica powitalna” - sign that once hung on barrier that has been removed:
The other wayspots mentioned in the list are fake and do not exist in given location. Those were submitted over a year ago by a Pokemon Go player. Here are some additional photos to claim my proof:
And the last small detail - the portal " Plac zabaw pod chmurką" should be moved a little to the coords 53.454168, 14.451091. As it is location edit that is offset by more than 10 meters I put that request here. Here is a photo with playground visible in the background of image. It is clearly behind the “A focal hut” wayspot, visible in picture as well.