Fake nominations

Ive seen the same fake nominations get passed in Ontario. How are they coming through the game so often.

can you share details? where specifically?

Having a hard time uploading pictures

If you’re having trouble with photos someone may be able to do some sleuthing if you can provide coordinates.

43.235586, -79.743524 I also have screenshots of a nomination from yesterday of the same thing being

Mod Edit: Removed IGNs

I would strongly advise not posting igns on here of people you suspect of abusing the system. I agree that the nomination in question doesn’t match the location and it is concerning how it got through. The staff will most likely remove the wayspot and if they so wish may take the necessary action against anyone who is abusing the system.

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Oh I didn’t know sorry, I just know because 5 months ago the fake nomination was made less than a km away from me


Niantic can find out who has been submitting fake nominations from their back end systems. Whilst I don’t have evidence to question your sincerity, if the allegations prove to be false, it would be unfair on the people you have accused.


You can use help chat to report abuse from the Wayfarer site Niantic Wayfarer or the “Reporting Abuse” form linked at the top here:
Reporting Abuse in Wayfarer — Wayfarer Help Center


Thank you just did

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Oh yeah, that doesn’t belong at 43.235586, -79.743524