Fake Wayspots on private house

  • Wayspot Title: Plac zabaw w jaktorowie

  • Location (lat/lon): 52.085655,20.537816

  • City: Jaktorów

  • Country: Poland

  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):

  • Additional Information (if any): PLAYERS ARE MAKING FAKE WAYSPOTS ON THEIR HOUSES. Reports via game are rejected, and even so some wayspots are deleted, they nominate new fake ones.

  • Wayspot Title: Kapliczka w jaktorowie

  • Location (lat/lon): 52.085658,20.538109

  • City: Jaktorów

  • Country: Poland

Current location view from GM:

Stolen wayspot image: (MOUNTAINS IN BG LOL)

Stolen wayspot from: KAPLICZKA Matki Boskiej w Dulczy Wielkiej - Stowarzyszenie Nasze Miasto Radomyśl Wielki

  • Wayspot Title: Krzyż w jaktorowie
  • Location (lat/lon): 52.08579,20.538406
  • City: Jaktorów
  • Country: Poland
    Image stolen from google in Radomsko city:

Almost all images can be find online via google lens. PLEASE DIRTECTLY ADRESS ABUSING PLAYERS.

Mod edit: removed gaming platform directed blame.


Thanks for the appeal, @V4Flower. After reviewing the additional evidence provided, we’ve decided to retire the Wayspots in question.