When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:
Wayspot Title:
Location (lat/lon):51,9857579, 5,6517641
Country: the Netherlands
Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):
Additional Information (if any): this is part of a dutch bicycle route for years and years. This was declined as being seasonal while other similar ones have been accepted.
This is not where you appeal a nomination. You can appeal a nomination via Contribution Management on the Wayfarer website. You get 2 appeals every 20 days.
If I check: Maak je eigen fietsroute met de fietsknooppuntenplanner | ANWB
There is no knooppunt 47 at that location, there is here: 51.989686, 5.648611, which is already a wayspot.
I think he means a biking route sign, with an arrow and the number on the way to knooppunt 47
Apologies there is at that point not the knooppunt but route sign. I should have indeed called it different. But at this bikepath intersection there is a route sign for both 47 and 96 (if im correct in the name number).
Ill update the names to Fietsroutenetwerk. Thank for the help!