General complaints about the way wayspots are being removed

Lets start with acknowledging in the past (and even now) many low quality portals are being accepted within the system, which is a problem for years, allowing many low quality, and even false portals to be online today.

For years Ingress agents from opposite factions are having a portal removal nomination war, by only reporting portals from the opposite faction. In the meanwhile other players take revenge, by doing the same to them. It grew to a movement that isn’t too far from bullying, and I recently spoke out against it within my own Enlightened faction.

Not long after portals in my direct area were starting to be removed and a homeportal was moved by just a very tiny bit just so I could not reach it anymore. Also a portal from my work area was removed.

I appealed these, and all were rejected. Including a portal that was accepted by Niantic itself. Somehow it no longer met the critera, which gave the impression they make distinction in cases now. This impression was strenghtened when I got an e-mail directly after nominating it in Wayfarer via Ingress. I have a excellent Wayfarer reputation, with by far most of my nomination being accepted and now just after one rejection for a “generic object” (which is debatable) I got an e-mail that I’m being “investigated”. In the meanwhile low quality portals are still coming online everywhere, including in my home town ánd from the same people that are reporting other portals.

Also they make a distinction, since I’ve heard them say “You’re lucky you’re green, otherwise your homeportal was gone tomorrow” and these portals are still online as well.

I have the feeling bullying is being rewarded and even encouraged. All resistance players in my town are in “hunger strike” and refuse to build or destroy in my town. (only the occasional home portal take downs) They said that they might stop overall, leaving our town green and red. To be honest, I am strongly considering to do the same, all the fun is sucked from this game, while toxic behavior is being encouraged.

I haven’t played Pokémon Go for years, but in the recent months several people complained to me, asking what is going on. This behavior hits the community from several games. For myself I’ve decided to make a statement and resubmit all real portals that were removed, until I lose Wayfarer submissions. If my rights are subtracted, I’m gone too.

Yes, I understand rules within Wayfarer are important to keep the quality from the portal network good, but I would like to close this rant with one question. What’s more important? An excellent portal network or a safe environment within the communities from the Niantic games? I hope this issue can be adressed within the Niantic staff and I would like to invite people that experience the same things to tell their story below.


Agreed, the local Pokemon Go community over here is also suffering from Ingress players and their wayspot removal gang wars.

The only way this is ever getting permanently solved is to let Ingress have its own portal database that doesn’t affect Pokemon Go in any way. Then they can remove each other’s portals to their heart’s content until nothing remains without harming the only game that’s keeping the lights on at Niantic.


This doesn’t solve the problem. It hits both community’s, by players that are just too diligent and competitive on a unhealthy way. I would like to see the portal report nominations to be limited for example, or more room for discussion. Most importantly, to recognize players that have this behavior that makes other people feel unsafe and restrict them in doing so.

I agree fake waypoints, or waypoints at schools and graveyards should be removed at all costs. They could harm the local community and therefor the reputation from both games. I think a good way to do this, could be to make Wayspot removal nomination be done by complete neutral people. Reports should be done from both factions and Pokémon Go. (suggestion)


Just an fyi, Wayspots nominated through the Wayfarer app usually don’t show up in the games. We have been asked to submit game locations through the games.

How are these being deleted? Are they being reported in game and then reviewed through Niantic or is it something else?

I ask this because we had a recent removal of a portal anchoring a large field, and although it was actually a valid removal it seems to have been done through some back channel rather that in-game.


Either through in-game reporting or reporting them in the Wayfarer Support chat or something.

why do you think it was a back chnannel in your case? In Game requests over Ingress can be done with dynamic links from anywhere too


No one should feel bullied over wayspots, if you feel that people are not adhering to the player guidelines (Niantic Player Guidelines – Niantic Labs) please do report them as a safe environment is important for everyone. If you do not agree with removed wayspots then there is the appeal section here on the forum: Wayspot Appeals - Niantic Wayfarer

But it should be noted that the Netherlands has a history of not caring for wayfarer criteria. That shows now that wayspots that should have never been approved are disappearing left and right (and no not only those that are team-dependent). It is true that the ones people are most attached to (or play with the most) will be noticed sooner and are therefore more likely to be reported. But no player has more power than any others, wayspot reports are reviewed by the Niantic team, which does not consider any team arguments, but handles report based on their own guidelines.


Additional information was supplied outside the scope of the game, and it wasn’t done through this forum. As I said though, it was a valid takedown because the wayspot had been removed, the complainer filmed the location to prove it.

the staff once said that the property owner request form can also be used for in game rejection appeals, so whatever method it’s not a super secret thing that happened here, be it help chat, abuse form, forum, ingame or appeal over prp form

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In the meanwhile I received private messages on Telegram from several people - including a ambassador - that question this thread asking me “What I hope to reach”. I even got messages that said my trust is being questioned, because I talked with people from the opposite faction.

This all feels very unsafe and is the main reason why I keep talking about it. Maybe not all is intended to give a unsafe feeling, but it certainly makes it happen. I have the feeling this is a matter that cannot be discussed without consequences.

It appears the wayspot I re-submitted was also flagged as ‘Abuse’, and this makes the whole e-mail I received from it make more sense. Submissions that just don’t suffice (or in this case actually should suffice) should not be flagged as Abuse, should they?

I know there are people around that have the same stories, but are scared to share it. Please considering telling your story, it will never change if people don’t speak out. I’ve had enough of this and will no longer accept being bullied like this.

Sorry to hear that wayspots impact your experienced safety, it is good to talk about it. But do mind that wayspots can be reported by anyone, anywhere and it does not necessarily have to be targeted to you specifically.

It might be good to read up on what is considered abuse: Reporting Abuse in Wayfarer — Wayfarer Help Center

Blatantly ignoring eligibility/acceptance criteria is one of those. And by resubmitting removed wayspots multiple times you are indeed ‘abusing’.

I would advice to adhere to the wayfarer criteria, which you can find clarifications on here: Criteria Clarification Collection - Niantic Wayfarer

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I have the same problem as Ken!
When there is a nice portal online and I use it ,
A few day’s/weeks after I used it it has been reported as abuse…
And why. Because it is a hp…
And yes it is told to me.

I think that the reporters think I’m a threat to them…

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Creating a wayspot that can benefit a single player or faction can be considered abuse…

Quite where you draw the line is a question, because wayspots are used by players of all Niantic games and a good wayspot is a good wayspot.

I could probably set up a couchie for myself, knowing the sorts of things that Emily would let through. But would it be a good wayspot? No, I don’t think so. I would suggest that anything you submit in your own location should be of good quality to prevent other players thinking you are gaming the system.

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And another portal (local art piece that’s hundreds meters long) was removed, after it already got some location edits. I will never stop speaking out, it’s not okay to remove legit wayspots.

Reason I assume it’s a targeted action, is that it’s only my own neighborhood, where I’m the only active player living in. In other areas of town many ineligible wayspots and even some fake still exist and are left alone. Is there a way to report abuse if it’s deleting wayspots to target a person?

You can use the appeal section for invalid removed wayspots: Wayspot Appeals - Niantic Wayfarer

And if you feel it was a targeted removal, you can use the abuse form to report it: Reporting Abuse in Wayfarer — Wayfarer Help Center

Ineligible and fake wayspots in your area you can also report using that same form.


All portal are valid in an VPS world. Niantic must stop the deleting of portals. Remembered the quit of thousands of phone for scanning, Niantic took back that decision.

I enjoy Pokemon GO & Ingress. Including Sponsored locations, I report Wayspots that are no longer there or otherwise ineligible. I have lost resonators in the process. I do not discriminate between the Faction or Team that typically holds the Wayspot (Team if also a PokéGym). Excluding 2 Wayspots, my reports are usually accepted or accepted on appeal. Accept that the Wayspots are gone. Remember property owners have the ability to request a Wayspot be removed. I know of at least 2 situations in other US states where that happened. I also know where that happened in the town/city on edge of the state in which I live.

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It is simply untrue that all portals are valid. If the real world object no longer exists (or never did in the first place), then the portal is not valid. If the real world object is on the grounds of an ineligible location, the portal is not valid. If there is no safe pedestrian access, then the portal is not valid. There are a lot of reasons why wayspots (portals) are or become invalid.


What we can see is that a mixture is being made: the portal criteria for ingress are not those of VPS development. Niantic decides to upload Ingress VPS portals and Ingress players decide to delete them, this is affecting people who volunteer in beta versions of other Niantic applications. If Ingress players delete a portal to make another player walk that’s fine, but those of us who are testing VPS technology and who have paid several thousand dollars are being affected by that behavior. That’s why all portals are valid in the VPS world. and Nia should delete them from the game but keep them in the VPS world

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