Global Reviewer Challenge - Race Around the World! - Discussion

:joy: :joy: :sweat_smile:

Just for curiosity is there any special reward for the top tier?

bragging rights


Itā€™s there a chance that there are no more reviews to be made?
sounds a bit dull, since the community goal is so high set.
the problem still persists, or we can start review normally again?

Can you please upscale the backend, please? Wayfarer site goes from working somewhat ok to borderline unusable all the time. You should be seeing all the errors, timeouts and issues in your logs, right?


The highest is set high. If we keep up the pace, I donā€™t think 90k is going to be even hard.

Hello everyone! For your information, if you get a 24hr cooldown it should only be 30 minutes despite the text. Please tell everybody this if you see your fellow explorers complaining about their 24h cooldown.


Itā€™s fine for you to have this obligation, sir, but it isnā€™t an obligation of mine! If, for instance, a church says what it is, itā€™s fine as far as Iā€™m concerned for a nominator to tell reviewers what that church says it is. In fact, Iā€™d say it would not only be accurate but polite. Disclaimer: I am 100% against the any and all churches and religions that are anti-LGBTQ, cover up abuse, etc.

When reviewing some wayspots for Japan, I got several times the same spot as a duplicate with the exact same photo.
At first I thought it was only an usual duplicate, but not the second/third timeā€¦

Itā€™s clear that some of the portal candidates have been the exact same than the existing portal. As in same photo, same submitted text oftentimes. Iā€™m not sure why. Iā€™ve seen like two dozen of these.

Ahhhā€¦ now I get it. But Iā€™m from an area of England that gets some of itā€™s identity from a history of being at war with Scotland, and Iā€™m here to say that the Scots are jealous of nothing, apart from that just sometimes they wish it were a bit warmer and would stop raining.

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It doesnā€™t matter which picture is original. Youā€™re just asked which donā€™t meet criteria. Are any blurry, show the car dash, have a stuffed animal or something in it to flag the submitter?

Beyond that, we have to trust the local community to thumbs up the best one.

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this doesnt make sense i guess it means that you are suggesting to put photos of different location portal or a pokestop. The photo should be matching to the origanl pokestop or portal in that location.

Where does it say that an object or stuffed animal cannot be in it? I mean I know my youngest enjoys having his in mine. So I snap an extra for him or occasionally have it in the supporting photo. But I have seen some community playgrounds etc with maybe a toy or animal left there.
I know many older photos have a skateboard in it or another object. I understand that before ingress players did this to verify it was a real live location not third party etc.

Extraneous objects can be seen as submitter identifiable especially if it appears to be deliberate or staged. A cap with a PoGO team insignia, a posed dog, and a circle of rocks on top of a table are a few cases back in the old forum.

Granted, some objects are just there at the location so it comes with using your best judgement.


Ummmmā€¦ I know there was another thread that got a bit heated on the topic of banksā€¦ I always enjoy support comments like this :joy:

I also had some interesting photo reviews for natural areas. Latest one was for water :thinking: Interesting wayspots in the USA.

Wonder if they are originally from Vietnamā€¦

But seriously, K-12 schools are in the category list, but theyā€™re still not allowed. Then there are places that arenā€™t in the category list, like pickleball courts, but as long as the courts meet criteria, such as those at public parks, theyā€™re allowed.

Some people, I tell yaā€¦


is it meā€¦ or are there way to many of these churches in america:

Checked the interwebsā€¦ 32000 Congregations. oh my

still most banks are not portal worthy. and can be shot of as Apropriate, generic business

Itā€™s in the Challenges category, and not with the best title, I may add: