Global Reviewer Challenge - Race Around the World! - Discussion


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I totally agree. this forum and their way of contacting them truely is poorly


This challenge apart from the hiccups has been one of the easiest so far in terms of review speed and simplicity of reviews.

I think a little communication across all the different game fronts could have seen it at double the amount of the current community total.


Can you even get to wayfarer as a player of pikmin bloom or Peridot?

I don’t think so but don’t most Pikmin and Dot players usually come from Go or Ingress?

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Longest description Ive ever seen

Luckily this was just a picture edit, not a game of spot the typo

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Looks like a copy/paste?

These were seeded from this database. One of the few cooler imports.


Report it for third party? :wink:

Have had my Wayfarer rating as “great” for the longest time. Now it’s down to “good”, I guess the rapid-rate approval of photos does that or something. :sweat_smile: And also got the two-hour ban (that’s apparently only 30 min during the challenge).

It’s kind of silly to penalize the reviewer if they’re just being quick about it, and some of the stuff can’t take more than a few seconds.

We Wayfinders aren’t shown what Niantic and hmdb agreed upon with their use of photos and text. I can see reviewers reject the photo upon reverse search.

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fun fact, google how many congregations has Romania. very close to half of the ones in USA. and look at the size difference. :rofl: :rofl: :shushing_face:

They could at least remove the formatting :face_with_peeking_eye:

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this helps a lot today

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You cannot report for third party via the review, but you can submit one via the website. Although they will likely do nothing.

I have done many reports while reviewing. Casinos and wayspots in them for adult oriented location - apparently Niantic’s final say is the director need apply for removal. No this was not an automated response, but the individual assigned the ticket.

I even had a church which the individual wanted to update to the new business in that building, which is now a K-9 school. I reported that with screenshots for this photo edit and what did Niantic do. They updated the wayspot and told me I can submit a photo edit. For a school! Despite me providing all the information to show it is a k-9 school. It is just an alternative school for children to attend part-time to improve their home based education.

As well as countless disc golf courses where the basket and marker for each hole is already a wayspot.

Although this is taking away from my own reviews and so far most of my tickets have been ignored by Niantic. I do suggest they actually review disc golf courses and clear up that misunderstanding and pick a side.

Sorry for the rant, but I get venting the long description and taking extra measures seems like unnecessary when the response will likely be unsatisfactory. I do location, title, description edits in my own area and I have gotten a lot of backlash for removing wayspots that no longer exist.

Edit: Here is another one. Yet it takes forever to go through the wayspot removal report and also I have not had success that way… So move on.


:rofl: what an edit!


Well, the baskets should have never been a pokestop / portal in the first place. That’s a safety hazard for the mobile players, and huge annoyance for the disc golfers. They should be removed. As for the teeing areas, they’re not as much of a hazard (usually), but they’re not great portal material either. You’ll potentially get bunch of people walking zig zag across the property since fairways don’t tend to be the straightest route.

The bucket lid (disc golf disc) may only weight 180 grams / 6.35 ounces (or less), but imagine that hitting you in the face when somebody is capable of throwing 100m / 330 feet. Or way more for the better throwers. That thing comes with some speed, and it’s not uncommon to have blind spots (or “have the approach blind”) on the fairways.


it’s just me that i don’t like and accept starbucks or mc donalds submissions? :sweat_smile: i find it so weird people submitting those like they are unique in any way.
or i’m just the weird one here? :sweat_smile: :rofl:


You’re not the weird one, as there are so many chains that get submitting in the US. I think the people that either visit these areas frequently or work there want Wayspots, but don’t fully understand criteria. Or, with Starbucks, because some do have sponsored Wayspots, they think all new Starbucks are eligible, but it’s not the case.


sponsored waypoints?? nice… how much for one? i want one with the monster from under my bed ,if possible :star_struck: