Global Reviewer Challenge - Race Around the World! - Discussion

It may take a while.

Reviewers are only just coming round to the idea of NCN routes being acceptable. The ‘stickers’ not so much yet.

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Be aware that Niantic considers stickers as not permanent. Here in the Netherlands a lot of trailmarker waypoints that were stickers got removed by Nia. And it is considered abuse if you resubmit them.

Trailmarkers are a weird grey area. I think they are perfect waypoints since they make people excersize and go out to explore, but for some reason, people in the Netherlands have found (again) a way to abuse them, so now Nia is removing them one by one. And they don’t seem to check the criteria then themselves, because I’ve seen valid trailmarker waypoints that permanent and have the name of the trail on it (in stead of just a simple arrow or something) being removed as well.

This whole Nia not being crystal clear on what makes a valid waypoint makes me lose all interest in submitting new waypoints, because next week, they can be removed again. And worse case scenario, you get a ban for abuse also because you submitted something that does not meet (very vague) criteria.


I will argue this one, because the TRAIL is permanent and that is what we are submitting. The markers are all going to degrade over time - the metal signs grow algae and the sticker signs fade but still last 10 years or more. The trail though? That remains. And the markers will be renewed


Hi @yeiiowfirestar

Some days ago Aaron stated:

NianticAaronWayfarer Team


We take action only if we have conclusive evidence suggesting abuse. If someone is not trying to abuse the system, there is nothing to worry.

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The Netherlands is a separate case I think. I’m not sure what happens there can be applied to everywhere else.

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Ok now which one is orignal. How can we determine this as they both are different color.

That I agree with you on. The Dutch are able to abuse waypoint criteria to both get waypoints approved, as well as removed. I guess we’re creative like that :frowning:

Unfortunately here it is quite common that the wayfarer system is used to target specific people. When someone has a beef with someone else, well, let’s see how much waypoints in that persons area they can get removed. I see this happening all over the place, and nothing can be done about it. And when it happens to one person, they again do it to another as revenge. And this way, it never stops.

It takes away a lot of fun of the game.

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Not sure if this should be another topic, but let’s distract ourselves a bit, by telling or showing the progress made so far for the challenge. Until the issue it’s fixed, so we’ll give them some time too

I’m curently around 500 edits, got someone already into thousands?

900 I am almost there

And btw its edits + nominations its not just edits.

Maybe we can also go for how many errors in a row?

Currently 4 in a row then lots of bouncing balloon time.

I dont know how you managed to make 900 reviews actually load.

Edit… 7 errors in a row :muscle:

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You gotta dive in as soon as the challenge starts to get those kind of numbers. Take all the reviews away from everyone else.

It started at 9pm for me… so, not completely possible if you sleep.

I’m on 284

Well, we see where your priorities are… (I’m kidding, please prioritize sleep) And if you do prioritize sleep, don’t apply to be an ambassador.


285… and a lot of errors. Which I think mean you dont get credit. Because I did more than 1. of course it says I’ve reviewed 0 so :roll_eyes: :laughing:

I am going for a top spot on the leaderboard this time. I will share numbers at the end

well yeah doing it since the event started so that my recon medal also boosts and I will be able to get those upgrades and apply to all my contributions

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well sleepless nights should definitely get you to the top of the board :slight_smile:

it was nice starting from beginning :slight_smile:
i tried just now, only the “try again error” without any portal review showing . glad i made so far in first days :slight_smile:

No, i only use the free time i have :joy: