Global Reviewer Challenge - Race Around the World! - Discussion

Even the word is bad

It’s an edit

nice challenge , hopefully i made in top 10 :slight_smile:


I’d like to know more about it.

clocking in my final count. Hope no surprises at the end


Just sharing my numbers… Not bad for being unable to review much after Saturday!


I forgot 563 would seen low here :joy:


What would you like to know?
Maybe the submitter comes around :woman_shrugging:t2:

Whew, posting for proof if needed :slight_smile:

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I think everyone did great numbers don’t matter

Where is it?
Who painted it?
Why did they paint it?

I forgot to take a screenshot but I did one more than @Trollfarer


Our suffering is shared

NOOOOO!!! (message extension)


I was trying to hit 1400 and was just shy of it. Similar to you. Too many errors, !, and retry between each one.


My number of reviews was 0 all day so dont have a screenshot. My agreements hardly moved and I got only a handful of duplicate agreements despite spending hours in Japan reviewing almost pure duplicates

Honestly I feel regret that I even tried because Ive trashed my rating for nothing if that 0 was what was taken in the end.

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Im going to try to do a few UK reviews each day and see if I can undo the damage the challenge has done to my rating.

I cannot stand being rated only good when I did my absolute best, and have always been great.

This challenge has just made me feel like a complete failure and I really regret taking part.


A few at a time and ones that are clear cut decisions works best in my experience

I’m sure that something went wrong with your countings.

And if not, It’s only a game …
Don’t worry

I never used to skip anything, and managed to retain a great rating before… it has literally just been during the challenge