Global Reviewer Challenge - Race Around the World! - Discussion

No, if the rating is going to tell me Im not good enough then I need to quit

Thank you for being so open.
I hope that sleeping about changes something. On which side ever

Nianticā€™s system is far from infallible. And no one should be determining any kind of self-worth based on this janky system.

Like I said. I am going to try for a week or so to repair the damage. If not then I will stop. Iā€™m not going to be some low quality contributor who has been effectively graded as ā€œnot quite good enoughā€ by the system

There are probably unresolved ones that will trickle in over the next week.
I previously plummeted down but slowly over a few weeks I came back up.
Challenges can do funny things both i terms of rejections and ratings

I actually donā€™t understand how I can review literally a couple of hundred obvious duplicates and get almost no agreements for those. I think my duplicates went up about 30 for doing about 800 reviews, albeit not al those were for the challenge since many of them were UK.

Same, maybe I messed up and lots did get lost in translation to drop my agreements by 10% :thinking:

Back in the UKā€¦ Last three reviewsā€¦


A 10% drop is huge
And yes feels good to be back in the UK with trail markers, bridleways, and drive thru costas to vote on


My wayfarer rating after doing the challenge has dropped from great to okay, anyone else experiencing this?

Yeah, dropped to Good from Great. Donā€™t remember this happening in previous challenges, though Iā€™ve only done 2 maybe 3 before.

We need another week, or month, of this challenge! Not all of the old edits got a verdict!!!

So i track my stats manually. Wayfarer tells me that I did 706 reviews for 121 Agreements during May 2024. My OPR stat on ingress went up by 333 for May 2024.

I noticed a lot of errors during reviews saying that an error occurred or I ran out of time to review (which was nonsense) and giving me the retry button. Admittedly I toggled between the Review, Showcase and Profile options when I was getting the bouncing balloon.

I felt like some reviews that should have gone on the counter did not budge it.

I think there is some issue in the reviewing proceedure.

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You are asking an impossible. Challenges are planned for helping clean some countries, but is impossible to clean EVERYTHING in some countries. There will always be some things that wonā€™t be able to be reviewed during a Challenge and we need to understand that to avoid unnecessary frustration.

When will the next challenge be? I enjoyed reviewing alot and my country doesnt have a lot of submissions.

There are many countries that could use help with reviewing. Set your bonus location accordingly.

This is clear evidence of the bug that was observed several challenges ago but continues to go unfixed (well probably multiple bugs tbh).

you were given something to review that had already completed review. You can confirm this by comparing the url of the main image to the url of the image on the wayspot.

in this case you do not get credit for reviewing it as a duplicate (or any other way) and given that we now are able to skip far more than 3 per day during challenges i would recommend you skip such reviews in the future.

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Any idea when individual and global bonuses will be pushed to agents?

Hello @thibasch
If you follow that link it gives the timetable for distribution which is over the next few weeks.

Why did they make me waste literally HOURS of reviews to get nothing from them? Thatā€™s just cruel to be honest.

I guess Iā€™m not surprised. Niantic donā€™t have a track record of repairing bugs. Its been almost 7 years of phantom attacks in PokĆ©mon Go raidsā€¦

Guess I shanā€™t be doing these challenges anymore. I wanted to help people, but seems all I did was waste my time doing something pointless since there were so many duplicate reviews. No wonder my stats never changed much!!

Would everyone CHILL OUT?!

Youā€™ve been told when the rewards will go out.

Insisting that you get them immediately is childish. Thereā€™s a schedule.

If you still have not received your rewards by the end of the promosed time (or after thereā€™s been an announcement that all rewards have been sent), then you can come back and raise a fuss.