Graffiti obok mostu

  • Wayspot Title: Graffiti obok mostu

  • Location (lat/lon): (52.1772625, 20.9888297) , Street view

  • City: Warsaw

  • Country: Poland

  • Screenshot:

  • Additional Information (if any):
    Hello, once again Enl deletes portals that meet the criteria, the portal was in this place for more than 3 years, but when many fields were made from it and the portal was defended, another faction decided to delete it. Please take action and return the portal. Thank you

This appears to be a random graffiti tag that should never have been accepted in the first place due to being vandalism. Niantic has been removing similar wayspots recently.


Thanks for the appeal, @FreakUA. We have taken another look but stand by our decision to retire this Wayspot.