- Wayspot Title: Bruno Risk grafitti
- Location (lat/lon): 54.522501,18.522574
- City: Gdynia
- Country: Poland
- Screenshot of the Rejection Email: not applicable
- Additional Information:
So, I have no idea when exactly this wayspot has gone missing. It may have been any moment in the past year or two. I paid no attention but now I see that this is a faction war, if so - why not try.
But the question is what argument was used to remove it.
if the quality argument - yes, the grafitti isn’t very beautiful, but do let me know, as I said in another appeal - I know of so many much crappier wayspots that I will be happy to know that it is possible to have them removed.
private property - no way, the grafitti is placed in a very public place on a wall of a multi-flat building
the existence - see the photos below, taken today.
For comparison - street view images of the place