Has the AI Learning Machine been turned off recently?

I’ve submitted so many nominations and edits over the last 2 weeks and not a single one has had a 24-36hr acceptance/denial through the AI learning machine. Most of the nominations I’ve made rare clear approvals being hiking trails, playgrounds etc.

I nominated far fewer in the months leading up to the last two weeks and always had something approved within 36hrs.

Has anyone else noticed this or is it just random chance that all mine have been missed by the machine this time around?

Yes ML has been down for a few weeks now. It can still reject nominations and process edits and photos, but it hasnt been accepting nominatios.


I got ML rejected today, twice. At 20
Hour marker and 27 hour marker.

I’ve got this rejected by the ML this morning, it surely didn’t like the new installed lighting art on the elevator at our municipality train station.

The tiles is reflecting the municipality’s colors and is really an eye catcher… well maybe I redo it or just appeal it when I’ve one available…


First attempt - AI denial

Second attempt - changed title, revised the description - AI denial

Third attempt - New try, fingers cross for passing by AI review - pass, and then an upgrade for the community to make the decision - and Acceptance!!

Well, starting the New Year with a new way spot live :partying_face:


There is still a known issue with ML. Auto-accept is currently turned off, but auto-reject has been turned back on. It’s still being worked on.

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I love how much the color pops with the nighttime contrast! Thanks for not giving up, that’s a lovely photo.


Where I am - Emily has been missing in review for a while now.

Everything not going getting processed. Into manual review. Have had to use a few upgrades to see any movement. Nominations appear to be taking weeks now v the hours or couple of days since Emily worked her magic.

Because Emily used to process so quickly this going back to “huuuuumaaaan” reviewing has been a bit of a shock

For those still with Emily. You lucky :slight_smile: