Tired of niantic AI

How the hell can I bypass Niantic’s AI?
It’s rejecting me every pokestop I propose and when I appeal it, it accepts them. But of course, I can only make one appeal every 20 days. It’s very unfair and it takes away my desire to continue participating in improving the game.

The last one has been a construction with high historical value in a rural area without pokestop, I have made good photos and I have placed everything with a detailed description of what it is.

In less than 24h automatically rejected by the damn AI.

Aff, I’m angry.

I’m sure that this one will be automatically rejected.

Then I’ll appeal and that’s it!


Unfortunately, there’s no way to bypass ML/AI; all submissions go through ML. ML does accept a large number of submissions, but it also rejects some really good ones. There’s no way around it, and the only thing that can be done is to continue teaching it.

You actually now get 2 appeals every 20 days. This was increased due to edits now being in Contribution Management and can be appealed there.


Hi, just a note that I moved this to Nomination Support , which is for your own nominations :slight_smile:

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Welcome to the forum! I understand why you are frustrated, but you are doing the right thing to appeal the rejections. In the beginning, the ML (machine learning ai) model was rejecting almost anything with too much grass, too much pavement, or too much wall. It has “learned” so much, and now we can get accepts in 24 hours! Appeals like yours allow the team to keep teaching it what is eligible.

I have found that photos with the least other stuff in the background are easiest for the ML model to evaluate. I try to take my photos before starting my submission, then crop or straighten them, and then choose the “existing” photo when I make the nomination. Something like this maybe:

If that one does get rejected and you don’t currently have an appeal available, you could try submitting a new nomination with a photo something like that. If the ML doesn’t accept it, it may at least understand there is something there it should allow into community voting.

Let us know how it goes. I am hoping you will report back with an accept this time.


Quisiera que añadir que hay que revisar la ubicación de esos hórreos. Aunque sean construcciones interesantes, la mayoría de ellos forman parte de casas unifamiliares, lo que los vuelve inegibles. No puedo revisar el primero pero parece que podría estar unido al muro de una.

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