I not sure if I am right to post here but pls help advise. Thanks
I need some help on this . I have done 289 nominations in wayfarer which was accepted but inside my Pokémon game , my Wayfarer agreement badge is only at 46. This happen quite long ago .
Mod edit: Moved from Bug section to General Discussion and deleted the Bug reporting template as issue is not a bug
Welcome to the forum. I am sure that this will be moved to General Discussion or you can see if you can edit it yourself and move it.
Nominations you submit have nothing to do with this badge. It is for reviewing. And reviewing agreements only count towards the badge if you are in Good or Great status. You can see your status and agreements on your profile page here: Niantic Wayfarer
The numbers can also vary if you have participated in Wayfarer events or if the badge has not updated yet.
I’m not quite sure why you need ambassador intervention for this, but please read @cyndiepooh 's reply above, it completely explains what you are experiencing and these two values have nothing to do with each other.