Wayfarer Badge

Note: Photo for reference is someone else’s badge. This is the badge I am referring to that does not and has not ever populated on my account.


My Wayfarer badge is not present at all on my game. My husband has the badge and I do not. He has made only a couple of Pokestop contributions and I have made many. I feel like this is a glitch. I reached out to the app support and they directed me here.


First nomination was accepted in December 2023, last one was a couple days ago. There are several accepted locations in between those dates as well, but I have never had a badge generate.

Device Type:

iPhone 15 Pro
iOS Version: 17.5.1


Pokemon-Go (up to date) version 0.315.1)

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You gain progress towards that medal by earning agreements from reviewing other people’s submissions, not submitting your own ones.

In order for your review to count towards the medal, you need to be in good or great standing as a Wayfarer reviewer (which you can see on your wayfarer profile), and your review has to agree with the consensus of other reviewers who reviewed that nomination (hence earning an agreement).