Help with rejected contribution

I added this contribution yesterday, and it got declined on the same day. Today i redid the contribution, but it got declined as well. On both rejections i cannot appeal them.

The contribution:
Zitplaats Laarder Eng

Bench with trashcan

Supplemental information
Bench where you can enjoy the view over some fields. This place is not busy and easily accessible. You could walk your dog here for example.

Hello! I would be willing to bet these were rejected by Machine Learning (ML). That being said, I would rewrite this nomination a bit to tell people why this bench is special. Does it overlook a nice park, or interesting natural feature? Highlighting things like that in the description would be beneficial.

To be honest, this one is going to be a “tough sell.” Not all benches are eligible even though there are a lot in game. Check out the criteria clarification here: Seating Benches - #2

Some benches would qualify, especially ones with memorial plaques of someone of significance in the local community.

Benches with plaques saying “Joe and his dog walked in this park every day” type of nomination don’t qualify.

Benches without any plaques (with or without a bin) are just a bench with no significance.

If you have some evidence that the bench has some historical significance and provide proof you could link in the supporting info, then you might stand a chance. However, you might struggle.

Edit: If the bench has a magnificant view, as suggested by @xLilPoundcake suggested, you might stand a chance of getting it approved.

Thanks. Does this clarify the not appeal thingy as well? Or does that have to do with smtn else

Hello @tajmuhn

You get 2 appeals that restore every 20 days. So I suspect you have recently used a couple of your nominations. You’ll earn them back eventually based on when you used each.

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As mentioned, benches are sometimes acceptable, and viewpoints can be acceptable. But I don’t think this falls into either category and you are probably wasting your time with this particular submission.

Normally I’d suggest submitting trail markers, but since it looks like you are in the Netherlands or Flanders then it can be very hard to get them approved for historical reasons.