How do I review nominations?

How do I review Nominations I really want to help out?

Go to the review tab on
Niantic Wayfarer
Niantic Wayfarer
Niantic Wayfarer
Niantic Wayfarer
You have to he at least level 37 in Pokemon go or level 10 in Ingress

Are you either level 37 in Pokemon Go or level 10 in ingress @ClemRed ?

Yep Level 41 Pokémon go

Okay then is this helpful?

Welcome @ClemRed

Please do feel free to ask questions.
Take your time
You can vote :+1::-1: and the I don’t know option is effectively a middle ground - this gets overlooked a lot.

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Oh, I read this as you can’t get to the place where you review. If you mean what are best practices, then ignore my comments.

Could be either or both

I’ve figured it out now thank you for your help everyone :pray: