Hi all!
During the summer I took a dozen photos for some old wayspots to make them look better. However, after a long time, no one liked them. It’s not that they’re bad, it’s that:
older photos get more likes (nothing can be done about that);
no one comes to like new photos.
Perhaps a different system is needed to rate photographs. Here are a couple of my options:
Cancel likes from players who have not been active for a certain amount of time.
When a new photo appears, all photos appear in Wayfarer for re-view.
Make some kind of awards if your photo is the most liked for a certain period of time.
This is just my options, but I would like to see some changes that would make wayspot photos better.
Perhaps you have your own suggestions?
In Pokémon Go, if you send a trainer a gift from that Pokéstop, they are able to tap the picture on the postcard and then view all pictures associated with the wayspot, and if they’re level 38 or above, they’re able to add a thumbs up to any of the pictures. So you can message them and ask them to do this.
In Ingress, one can send a deeplink to other agents that then gives them access to photos and thumbing - I’ve used this method in the past to get a photo with the Aurora visible onto an existing Wayspot with historical likes.
I wouldn’t say that no one comes around to upvote the newer photos. I tend to look at the photos at new Wayspots I’m visiting and upvote the photos I like best. When I get gifts in PoGo, I’ll look at the photos and upvote on them, while I’ll look at a portal in Ingress I’ve never been at and upvote as well; I’ve even gotten some of my photos to be the main photos in the games because of this.
I don’t know about canceling upvotes from players that have been inactive for a certain period of time. Sometimes those players do come back to the games.
Not all photos come up for review again during the review process. What typically happens is you see the new photo submission with the current Spatial/Lightship map photo. You can have multiple new photos in review if others have submitted around the same time or there hasn’t been a resolution yet, but 1 is always the main photo on the map, and the others new submissions.
I don’t think a reward for having the main photo in a game for a certain period of time is the best way to go. Maybe a reward to receiving a certain number of upvotes on photos would be better.
One thing that I do is take note of low quality photos at Wayspots and request removal via help chat (blurry photo, faces or other identifiable personal info, etc). I know of one Wayspot for a local coffee shop that I need to go take a new photo of, as the main and only photo there has a license plate visible. I just usually am by that shop in the evening, and I’d rather take a daytime photo for this particular Wayspot. There’s also a Wahyspot for a statue titled “Blurry Mary Statue,” but this Wayspot isn’t blurry on Street View. It most likely got that title due to the very blurry photos at the statue, which is on the grounds of a church. Once I reach level 8 in Ingress, I’m going to submit a new photo, and once approved, submit a new title/description. I’m surprised by how bad some of the Wayspots used in Ingress are in my area, so some cleaning up is needed.
Yes, I know about this method. But I think I will look intrusive if I write to everyone about them. Besides, it does not help when there are only 5-6 active PoGo players in the city, and the likes on the old photo are about two dozen from almost the first generation of Ingress players.
If a pub changes its name e.g. Coach House in Bexleyheath which has been Lord Hill since 2019 then I vote for the picture on the wayspot that has the current name that I see at the place.
This is a gaming issue since thumbs are not collected in Wayfarer. No game is likely to implement a fix for a problem with such little value and that is only happening in areas where there are almost no players.
I’m sure we will close this gaming-related thread soon.
On this matter, maybe it would be nice a global contest of photo voting. Or if PoGo allowed remote pokestops viewing, just like Ingress does, we could easily request help from friends. We can always clean up bad and old photos (which is something I’m doing within reason), but some don’t infringe any criteria to be removed, so we just have to work our votes up, specially in PoGo with those level 38 restrictions and no links to view stops remotely. But the problem is that, in PoGo, this basically discourages people to take newer and better pictures.
Hi DenialN1!
Submitting new photos is something I also really enjoy doing in Wayfarer. I agree it can seem daunting to get the needed thumbs to update the main photo displayed in the game you’re playing.
Different games crop the photos in different ways. For PGO, many players prefer to submit a photo as a square (1:1 ratio) to optimize for the display in the photodisc and minimal stretching in the postcard gift image. For Ingress, many players submit a landscape (16:9 ratio) to optimize for display in the key list image. So a photo that might seem pointless or strange to you in one game might be intended to be used in a game you do not play.
When a new photo appears, all photos appear in Wayfarer for re-view.
Wayfarer is just how the photos are submitted. Not how the photos are decided to be used as the main photo in each game. So in regards to trying to make a photo you’ve submitted become the main photo in the games themselves, this route would not be applicable.
Make some kind of awards if your photo is the most liked for a certain period of time.
This is another game-related thing, not really Wayfarer-related.
But regardless, I do not think games need to provide an additional “reward” to having the most thumbs. The reward is that it is the main photo displayed in the game. If there was some game-related reward, many players would then submit junky/poor photos and ask for thumbs just to get the in-game reward, instead of trying to improve the quality of the wayspot photos.
Yes, I know about this method. But I think I will look intrusive if I write to everyone about them.
As it sounds like the game you are interested in updating the photo is PGO, here’s an orthodox suggestion…
Make a route that has the wayspot whose photo you want to update.
After you walk that route, select that wayspot as the postcard for Mateo to send.
Keep walking and sending this postcard out as much as you can!
It would be a lot faster to just ask people for thumbs… but I am sure you will overtime collect some thumbs this way too.