I am doing some off-roading along remote areas and when I have time I am submitting waypoints for future explorers. In almost all cases, I will never come back to these places, so I don’t really feel strong about what gets accepted, but I put in some work, and would like to get advice on how to make them more successful going forward so I don’t waste mine and everyone else’s time.
This is quite remote, so there are no structures. The only thing man made are often trail and other signs, which should be acceptable. I also submitted a survey marker on one summit. All of these places are typically on public land, accessible on foot, bike, and motorized vehicles can get there, or close to it.
All of these were far away from Pokestops, but I didn’t check if there were waypoints that are not in Pokemon. They are all rejected for “Wayfarer Criteria”
Here are some that were rejected:
Waypoint, top of mountain, plenty of room, accessible to the public.
Entry sign to a recreation area. Again, accessible on foot, bike, motor bike, car. Plenty of room. Is this too boring? There are plenty such signs in Pokemon Go, but maybe criteria changed?
This is slightly different. Reason was “low quality or inaccurate title” Yes, there is a typo, because mobile. But I cannot edit this title. How can I fix, and should I resubmit?
Below are some that were accepted, btw.
How can I maximize the value of such submissions?