I would appreciate help the details on why my wayspot was rejected

《EDIT: All screenshots in regards to the original post I have removed as I have re-upload the nomination.》
I would of just removed the post. However not sure how, and the information given to me i would like to use as a reference if possible. Thank you to everyone for your feedback I greatly appreciated it. Especially being new to the wayfarer community you all made my experience very pleasant.

First off, you can nominate the playground and court separately, as they are separate POIs. There isn’t a rejection reason for not separating eligible POIs, but it could have been low quality/inaccurate title/description/photo, or even all 3.

The photo might be better taken in landscape instead of portrait, as there is a lot of background that’s unneeded. Photos should focus on the place in question, and be free of as much clutter as possible. Here’s what the photo guidelines list.

A high-quality photo of a Wayspot is:

  • Of the actual permanent physical, tangible, identifiable object or place marker for an area
  • Well composed - the Wayspot or place marker is centered without too much foreground or background, or objects passing by in front
  • Clear/sharp with good exposure (show off your photography skills!)

Nothing wrong with the description, but I might go with something a little shorter and more fun. I’d actually include the fact that it’s at the apartment complex in the description instead of the supporting info, but it’s not necessary (just how I like to do it).

I’ll leave you with some of the playgrounds and basketball courts that I’ve gotten approved, as it may help when you do resubmit (again, both the playground and basketball court are separate POIs and can be nominated separately):


How does each poi work even though they are in the same s17 grid? As to my understanding only one poi can be in those.

Agree with DTrain - if a court do as another nomination from playground

I am unsure of the photos. I would centre the main POI (thing square shape in middle of a portrait view. I would go wider on the supporting so you can the POI in situ/relationship to surroundings. you know you can take photos first. Edit on phone so they don’t have as much empty sky or snow foreground. Take a few shots at different angles etc so you can what works. Up to you how much effort but before you nominate you can take photos earlier.

I would change the description a bit. Make the text so much simpler. Ignore the complex bit. And the playground and court stand as their own so don’t need hard sell on mental health. or friends or family. Don’t bring kids into it. Keep it short and simple.

Supporting information is a huge overkill in my view. Make it short. These are examples only.

Place to exercise. Basketball halfcourt for community to interact with

Place to explore. Small playground area where community can gather

These should work. DTrain is right. Two noms here. Bit of tweaking should make it.

Good luck!

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We are creating Wayspots to be added to the Spatial/Lightship map, not stops/gyms for PoGo or portals for Ingress. However, if there is more than 1 Wayspot in a L17 S2 cell, only one will be in PoGo as a stop or gym. If they are 20 meters apart, as the inclusion rule for Ingress is that portals have to be 20 meters apart from each other, then it’s possible it’ll be in Ingress.

Keep in mind that unused Wayspots do sometimes get used as Power Spots in PoGo, so you could end up with a regular stop/gym for one POI, and then there could be a rotating Power Spot at the other.

I myself have submitted many Wayspots that are already in occupied L17 S2 cells, or I’ve submitted several in the same cell. I know that only 1 will be a stop or gym in PoGo, but it’s still possible that it may be in another game or even be a Power Spot.


Depends on which function uses it. Different games can use different POIs

We are nominating as wayfarers for the Niantic database that supplies POIs for differing games. Rules are different in each game. And POI used in one game may not be used in another game (they can be) etc etc.

Others may know more


Lvl 17 cells only prevents a POI from appearing in PoGo, does not prevent it from being accepted and appearing in different games.


I didnt know i could edit the photo’s. That said the photo’s was taken before the submission when i find poi’s that i find when out and about in my local community. As for the rest of your suggestions i appreciate it thanks

Just so we on same page. I am not talking about editing photos once submitted.

What I am saying is about before you CREATE the nomination. You can take photos before and edit on phone so they fit the game better. And then when you create your nomination select from from phone gallery.

What I sometimes do is frame the photo better so it works better in game for main photo. Too much foreground, or background etc can detract from the nomination.

Good luck!!!

I take all my photos before I nominate, then, if needed, edit the photos. If I need to crop some foreground or background out, I’ll do that. If I need to crop to better focus on the main focal point of the POI, I’ll do that as well. Pretty much all the photos I shared I cropped some to bring the POI better into focus.

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I knew what you was talking about as i take photos on my phone that i put in a folder for when i have time to submit poi’s later. As i like to type up descriptions in a note app so i can get proper spelling, punctuations, and grammar through my phones ai assistant or grammarly. Then i use my home internet to upload them instead of my phones data.


You have had some great advice for a new submission, but I don’t see where your question about the details of the rejection reasons was answered. Did you try refreshing the page to see if the rejection reason shows up then? It (or they) should be right underneath where it says “Not accepted.”

One reason I didn’t answer as I don’t know what web browser they are using. That looks like the Copilot logo at the bottom, so maybe Edge, which I don’t use on either my phone or laptop. Thus, I only gave my opinion of what the rejection reason(s) could be.

Yes I did and nothing was there thats why i posted this topic. I am guessing its a bug, yet everyone else has been very informative and the feedback i am receiving i’m greatful for so i can improve.

Yes I use edge browser.

Have you tried a different browser to see if you’re given a reason?

I did and its low quality or inaccurate description. So would it be better to resubmit or appeal? I am guessing resubmit.

Being there are 2 eligible POIs here, yes, it would be better to resubmit, but do 1 for the playground and 1 for the basketball court.

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Hello @KingXLeonidous
Personally I would probably have voted positively for this.
There are elements that are not ideal, but I don’t feel a nomination has to be perfect to vote positively.

You are absolutely correct that in terms of Pokémon Go the play set and basketball court are close and clearly in the 1 level 17 cell ( it’s good you understand that.
It’s your choice as to how you submit this there is no right or wrong way.
If you submit simply the play area then you can submit the basketball court separately. This may useful in future in case one of these gets changed / moved keeping them separate is helpful. We dont know what might happen in future with powerspots, as some wayspots that are not used as pokestops have appeared as powerspots.
Is there something in the square area I have marked as that could be a potential wayspot.
So a photo that is about 70-80% play equipment for main photo.
Walk round and have a supplementary that shows the equipment and the buildings. There is no streetview and this helps the reviewer check the location on satelitte.
Stop your description at the end of the first sentence.:sunglasses:
In the supplementary tie in to the criteria and explain streetview not available but easy to confirm on satellite.


What you marked is the swings. As for the 17 cell I ended up over researching and over thinking. As I thought you could only submit 1 poi in them and if i tried again that it would stop me from submitting another poi. I knew it was for the data base and may not end up in any of the games. That the poi’s was being collected to amass data for current and future games from Niantic. Somewhere along the way i misunderstood something which lead to me believing only 1 poi per 17 cell for the data being collected.