How to Remove a Fake Portal

A cheater in our area has a fake portal in his backyard. How do I remove it when the removal process is NOT WORKING!?!?!

Did you try the reporting abuse form linked in the top of this forum?

Welcome to the forum @UnaVida

What do you mean by

What have you tried so far?

Hello and welcome,

Being this Wayspot is in someone’s backyard, and Wayspots are not allowed to be on private property, if you are unable to fully access the Wayspot in-game, you can report it as abuse. More info can be found here, as well as a link to the report online form (the form is anonymous, just to let you know):

If you have been able to request removal and it’s been rejected by Niantic, you can appeal the rejection in the Wayspot Appeals forum.

Whichever way you go about this, you do want to provide as much info as possible. ingress right now doesn’t allow comments to be provided when requesting removal, but hopefully it will be added in the future, since it’s an option in PoGo.