






Welcome to the forum!

It appears that you are trying to appeal a rejected nomination. You do that through your contributions page. You get 2 appeals, each on a 20 day counter before you can use it again. If you don’t see the appeal button, then you don’t have one to use.

This looks like it was rejected for “Wayfarer criteria” which usually means that Niantic’s ML (machine learning ai) model failed to detect anything eligible. What is this place that you are submitting?

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From the acceptance criteria at Niantic Wayfarer

Must meet at least one of the three eligibility criteria

  • A great place for exploration
  • A great place for exercise
  • A great place to be social with others

How would you say this building meets criteria? Is it just offices or just a place to live? Just being a new building does not make it eligible.

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To add to what Cyndiepooh has said about this place.
You describe it as a space in front of the building.
Is this a social space where people gather? is there a seating area for example.

Oh my translator wasn’t getting that at all - just that it was a new building. I will leave this to others.

Welcome to the forum! Moved this to Nomination Support so you can get advice on this specific nomination from more people. As said above this is not the kind of appeal that can be addressed on this forum, but you are very welcome to discuss your nomination with the community instead!

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