I’m somewhat new in wayfarer, had many valid pokestops already. Still learning everyday, and when I get an appeal rejected, niantic usually states the reason. That long text thanking for the review and explaining what I should do differently.
This time, I got a statement of “1b”. How can I learn from it? What does it mean? Am I supposed to know?
Thank you so much in advance.
I have never seen that. I wonder if this should be moved to Bug Reports & Technical Support but am not sure. It definitely seems like a mistake.
I’m wondering if the appeal reviewers have a list of rejection reasons that they can copy and paste (and optionally amend to fit the nomination), but instead of copying the reason, they copied its placement in the list. It would be interesting to see what 1b corresponds to for sure, hopefully one of the Niantic staff can advise.
I was thinking something along the same lines.
I wondered if they are told to type in something like “1b” and there’s some background script that’s supposed to insert the form response before it’s posted to the Wayfarers nomination.
Either way, I suspect this is related to some list of generic responses gone wrong lol
I also don’t see how a cleaning station, which is what posto de limpeza translates to in English, meets criteria of a great place to be social, to exercise, and/or explore.
Are you willing to provide more info about your nomination, including photos, description, and supporting info? Right now, I’d agree with the rejection just based on the title.
I think @hankwolfman has it I.
Hopefully a member of the Team can help.
@kikipikachu if you would like to post this submission we would be happy to help. Or if you have some nominations you are about to make we would be happy to help before you submit.
Apologies for the confusion. The object in question does not meet any of the Wayfarer eligibility criteria. Government buildings are not automatic approvals. They need to fit in the Wayfarer criteria. Hope this helps. Thanks,
To add to what Aaron said, government buildings and things inside of them are not automatic accepts. You still have to tell why any place meets criteria, especially these 3 aspects:
- A great place to be social
- A great place to exercise at
- A great place to explore
For example, a city hall may be a good place to explore and be social at. City halls tend to have regular city meetings open to the public, which the public may do some socializing at, but the meetings are also worth exploring to know what’s going on in your city.
I don’t know exactly what a cleaning station would be compared to in the US, but it could be similar to a city works building. These are where the vehicles are kept and maintained that repair roads and other infrastructure, where other heavy equipment is kept, where work is done on infrastructure and other city-owned places. It’s a work place mainly, and may be off-limits to the public to visit due to safety hazards with the work that’s done. It certainly isn’t a good place to be social at, get some exercise at, or explore.
Being you have started to do Wayfarer, you may want to review the Wayspot criteria, to get an idea of what is and isn’t eligible. Also keep in mind that existing Wayspots may not meet eligibility these days, and may have been approved when they were different. You can find the Wayspot criteria at the following link: