Bug Reports should include the following and any additional information you feel is necessary to aid in the investigation of the bug.
- Description of the issue: portal was nominated by wafarer on 11/17/24 but has not appeared in game. I tried resubmission but got denied.
- Date first (or most recently) experienced. Currently still not appearing in game.
- Device type, model, and operating system: samsung S24 ultra, android os
- Game & Game Version (if applicable): 2.157.2
Please provide the Title and GPS coordinates so this can be checked out.
Also do you mean nominated 11/17/24 or accepted then?
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Welcome to the forum @JACK360CT
In case you’re unaware, accepted nominations are not always able to appear in certain Niantic games, as each game has a proximity rule that determines what can and cannot be added to that game. Typically when a nomination doesn’t appear in a certain game, the proximity rules are the reason behind it, though it’s not always the case.
For Ingress, the rule is that a new wayspot needs to be at least 20 metres away from any existing Portals in order to become a Portal itself. If it’s within 20 metres of another Portal, it won’t be able to appear in Ingress.
As @cyndiepooh says, having the name and coordinates of the wayspot could help with checking this.
41.7551563, -72.8202615
I think its likely the proximity. Why dont they just deny the request instead of approving only to not show up?
Because you’re nominating a wayspot for the database, not specifically a Portal. Whilst it might not meet the proximity requirements for Ingress, the other games have different proximity rules set by their dev teams, and so your wayspot could end up being used in a different game, or in a future project.
Spicebush is within 20m of Sycamore Tree and thus not eligible to appear in Ingress, it should appear in PoGo though.
If the coordinates were such that it exceeds 20m, would i be able to resubmit a new nomination even though it partially exists in other games??
A resubmission would be marked as a duplicate as the wayspot is already in the central database.
In addition to what @hikaru588 says, attempting to misplace nominations in order to get them to appear in specific games is considered abusive behaviour by Niantic. Presumably the location you have submitted is already the correct location for the wayspot.
Understood, it would simply be in instance where it was originally placed wrong. Its in the woods so hard to see from above.
IF the location is wrong, you can contact help chat and give them the correct coordinates. You will need proof, like a geo tagged photo.
This form can also be used for that I believe, but I use help chat for location edits: Reporting a Wayspot — Wayfarer Help Center
(Re-emphasizing that location edits are only to be done if the real world location is incorrect, not just for gameplay. Don’t want anyone getting in trouble.)
You could also provide a scaniverse scan of the location to support that it is incorrect.
didn’t know if i should mention those since not everyone can do them. i can’t.
It would be another option, so I think it’s fine to mention.
Don’t submit scaniverse scans made on Androids. They have a bug and are corrupted - and other (valid) scans of the place will be rendered useless.
Hopefully when Niantic fixes the bug that creates corrupt files on Android, they’ll delete all corrupted scans. Otherwise they’d leave the wayspot as never able to use VPS (3D Virtual Positioning System).