
My name is Steve (eouuh).
The wife and I started playing Pokemon GO since our teenager got into it back in March. We enjoy playing together and are on a mission to get pokestops added to our small mountain town to enhance gameplay. We also started a group on FB (Foresthill Pokemon Group) to interact with the local players.
Thanks for the welcome!


Welcome @EOUUH

I’m glad you and your family are enjoying Pokemon Go. Finding and nominating wayspots can be very rewarding but also has it’s challenges. I’m not sure if you guys are at level 37 yet (the level needed in Pokemon Go to nominate). But in either case the forum has many resources (Nomination Support thread, Criteria Collection, etc) that I encourage you to check out.

Also the folks around here really do like to help and give feedback :slight_smile:


Yeah I made lvl 37 last month and immediately nominated a spot which was approved. This morning I started reviewing others and nominated 6 more!
Im reading that sometimes they can take quite a while to get approved, but we’re on the right track!


Have you also checked out the Campfire app by Niantic. It can also be a good way to connect with others in your area.

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Yes we have! Great resource when we need a couple more for a raid!

Have you learned about how Pokemon Go uses S2 cells yet? That can be a big cause of frustration to new submitters. I know the prompt tells you that you are submitting a Pokestop, but you are actually submitting a Wayspot to the Lightship database. It must be alone in a level 17 S2 cell to become a Pokestop or Gym.

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Interesting. Is there an app to dload for that?

um the closest thing i know of is iitc (a map of ingress portals) with a pogo tools overlay. that doesn’t show all wayspots but gives good information on the cells.

a good article explaining the concept is this one: