Invalid Wayspot: Art Deco Pier Huts

Good Day!

  • Wayspot Title: Art Deco Pier Huts

  • Location (lat/lon): 51.11614519951607, 1.3192209751347515

  • City: Dover

  • Country: England

  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information): Apologies but there isn’t one, the POI is not accessible and therefore I am unable to report it in-game.

  • Additional Information (if any): This wayspot has been removed for some time; the area has been demolished and completely rebuilt, and now serves as a cargo terminal and secondary/emergency boarding dock for cruise ships. Aside from the one cruise ship that might board from the inner harbour, the area is completely inaccessible unless you are a member of staff, and is blocked off by several security gates and clearance points. The waypoint does not appear to have been re-purposed/moved, and the newer developments now (finally) show on satellite view.
    I would kindly like to request it be looked in to :slightly_smiling_face:.

Attached is the satellite view, which shows no sign of the POI and the closest possible pedestrian spot being at a distance of around 120m away.

Hindsight edit - spent a lot of time describing access issues, but the POI not existing is probably the focal point here :sweat_smile:.

Thanks for the appeal, @Tueri. After reviewing the additional evidence provided, we’ve decided to retire the Wayspot in question.

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