Invalid Wayspot - Middleton Park Post Office

When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:

  • Wayspot Title: Middleton Park Post Office

  • Location (lat/lon): Ingress

  • City: Leeds

  • Country: UK

  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):

  • Additional Information (if any): The post office moved locations from here, as shown from streetview in 2015 back when it was a post office whilst latest streetview shows its now a nail salon, the branch moved to another premise 400 meters away at 53.748138041842644, -1.5491478728897343 Middleton Park Post OfficeĀ® | West Yorkshire | LS10 4LS whilst still keeping the same branch name of ā€˜Middleton Parkā€™. Please can the wayspot be retired so I can resubmit the new location?

Also I left a commentary in the additional information to see streetview when doing the location report, did anyone read that? just wondering.

Hello and welcome,

Just adding that the new post office location already has a Wayspot.

Staff has literally just moved it, as it wasnā€™t there an hour ago, and intel still shows the portal in the old location, but yeah I see its been moved in Lightship.

Problem sorted I guess.

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gotta love when they do this while responding to you that it was rejected.

in one instance for me, the wayspot was focused on a temporary advertising sort of ā€œsculptureā€ that had been outside of a store for a few months long ago. the store had since moved several miles away but I didnā€™t notice this when I requested the removal. imagine my surprise when the portal suddenly appeared at the new spot. of course then my requests to change the title to represent the store and a new photo were both rejected.

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Great to see you on the new forum! Welome @belahzur !

Itā€™s possible that staff moved the Wayspot to the new location instead of removing it. Iā€™ve requested location edits over 10 m in help chat for Wayspots that have moved into a different building before instead of having the Wayspot removed completely.

Thanks for the appeal, @belahzur. We took another look at the Wayspot in question and decided that it does not meet our criteria for removal at this time as it has been moved to its correct location.