Wayspot incorrectly removed

When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:

  • Wayspot Title: Bishopsmead Playground
  • Location: (lat/lon): 51.346182/0.264021
  • City: Epsom
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Additional Information (if any):

It’s a small playground at the end of Bishopsmead Close and is still there and in use.

I am confused. Is the Wayspot you are talking about this portal?

Bishopsmead Playground

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I’m assuming Ingress hasn’t synced yet. I did check the Geospatial Browser and it’s not showing on that.


these are slightly different coordinates - ty for checking the geospatial browser. i was wondering if the missing one was a duplicate of this one

Yes that’s the correct one. I noticed it had gone from Pokémon go but ingress hadn’t synced yet.

Hello and welcome @Bonbonvolio

Streetview is slightly outdated in this corner of the estate. It would help your case if you can provide a current photo.
The free app GPScamera enables a photo to be taken that has the date and GPS co ordinates on the photo.

Hi Ellie, thank you for getting back to me. I’ll attach a current photo, the swing set was removed some time ago, but the play area itself is still used by local families as it’s handy having a gated area for containment!

(It’s more unkempt than usual, what with it being winter here currently)

Ah we have an area just like that.
I guess the material under the swings wasn’t up to current standards so removed for Health an safety reasons?
I would provide a local council page link to show it is still considered a park - the one near me had a sign put up during covid that demonstrated it was still regarded as a play area.
You are right on these estates having a confined space in which to safely play tig is just as important as other play equipment.

Get on to the local councillor about getting it kept presentable and maybe something simple installed - a basic bench, a wooden animal maybe see if the community can plant a tree for shade. To even have a sign installed to acknowledge that designation. Councillors love being able to say they have done something.

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